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"Snow lotus is right." Xie Lian countered.

"It's just a strong sandstorm." Fu Yao spoke up, clearly too keen on stopping. "If it was really caused by something using dark sorcery, then their motive would be to stop us here. If this is the case, then we should push on."

"Here we go again." Xie Mei Mei sighed. i snickered.

"What's so funny?" Mu Yoong Yoong asked while standing beside Xie Mei Mei.

"Does going against someone make you feel unique and satisfied in some way?" I directed my gaze towards the man who clearly thinks he is right about what is happening. Xie Mei Mei snorted silently. She hadn't laughed wholeheartedly in a while. I looked at her. She held her hand over her mouth to keep down her laugh. Xie Lian and the others clearly heard her.

"Um," Feng Ling looked around with her hand over her eyes, trying to see her surroundings. "Question: Where's the abandoned inn again?"

"Oh," Mu Yoong Yoong's face went blank. Xie Mei Mei stepped towards me and held out the little one in her arms. I hesitated, but I took him up in my arms. He held on to me tightly. What do I do now? "Maybe we could find a cave somewhere, or maybe another abandoned building."

"It's not like the wind can blow us up into the sky or something."

"what you say varies."

"flower sword!" Xie Mei Mei shrieked as Xie Lian was snagged away in the wind!

"No! your highness!"Fu Yao shrieked, reaching up!

"You 'wont blow us up into the sky, you say'!" Xie Mei Mei shouted at Fu Yao. I held onto Kiyoshi before something snagged my waist.

"JieJie!" I shouted. She turned to me, then grabbed my free arm before we were both yanked up into the storm. I saw Xie Lian's hat, so I swung Xie Mei Mei towards it, and she caught it.

We were hoisted quite high, but we made it to Xie Lian.

"Gege," I said cheerfully. He's safe; I wont break Xie Mei Mei's promise. "Here you are." I said as I pulled Xie Mei Mei forward, handing her brother the hat.

heaven official's blessing Keitteishimai (edited)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें