the multi face disease...8

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The group was headed for the forest with blood-dripping branches. The metallic scent of blood began to grow stronger as time went on. brother stopped before the forest and spoke in some attempt to stop them from going in, but their leader, of course, is reluctant to continue the pursuit of someone. The idea of the ghost groom doesn't make sense now that I think about the dead brides who were taken by it. Not all were taken. My brother may have the same idea as I do, but for now, we have to keep more men from going into this forest.

"Yoko Kohana," I said as I nudged her arm. She looked to me in almost an instant. "What happened in the temple?"

"Ugh, the men are intolerable! They can't get anything through their skulls!" She spat with a disgusted look painted across her face.All I could do was sigh. The sound of men screaming came in almost instantaneously. My head sightly turned to the forest, and the boy in my arms began to stir with a scared whimper. His grip, once loose, latched on to my sleeve in fear.

Holding Akiyoshi close, he relaxed slightly, but his guard remained up and his face was still moulded to hold fear. the time needed to calm the boy, the men trudged out of the dark forest, soaked in blood. They all came out, and the boy in my arms began to shake as he saw the group of people soaked in blood.

"Akiyoshi," I said in a soft velvet voice. He looked up, nearly crying. "its okay, Akiyoshi; it isn't their blood."

"its not that mo-" he stopped. He seemed to have nearly said something he wasn't supposed to. "Miss, its the bride. general Xuan Ji, the ghost bride!"

A shudder struck my chest while travelling among the mortals. I remember hearing the tragic love story regarding General Xuan Ji. She and General Pei had an affair with one another, but when Aji wanted a serious relationship, Pei wanted none of it. When he rejected this, she attempted to give all the information on her army before discovering it had failed and mangling her right leg so he would take care of her. When he chose to send others to care for her rather than go himself and refused to marry her, she chose to end her life that day. Being so lost in thought, I hadn't realized that one of the men was dragging a little boy in bandages out of the forest!

Setting Akiyoshi down, I swiftly moved to the boy being practically abused by complete strangers for just having bandaged skin. snagging the man in my hand, preventing him from grabbing the poor child's face.

"that. is. ENOUGH."I growled in a cold tone as the look in his eyes turned from annoyance to clear fear. My eyes must have gone slightly dark. He stumbled back as I glared shards of cold ice at this awful, sorry excuse for a man. In just a few swift movements, the boy was swept into my arms, and before anyone could react, a leap with my feet launched me back to my rightful place beside my brother. The boy hugged me, much like Akiyoshi did when I found him. A small nudge at my left leg caught my attention. Looking past the bandaged child, there hugging my legs was the young boy I have to patch up after this mess.

Kneeling to the ground before setting the bandaged boy down to sit, Akiyoshi hid behind me as my brother began to attempt to convince these oafs to leave the boy be and that he wasn't the ghost groom. That's when I remembered what the youngest child here told me.

"Brother, Akiyoshi mentioned the ghost groom." I spoke up, and Lian looked at me, still in a bride's attire. "Akiyoshi, you said the ghost groom is a deceased woman named Xuan Ji, correct?"

"Mhmm," he hummed as he peeked from behind me. My gaze turned to him while I kept my grip on the mystery boy covered in bandages. The girl from before kneeled next to him as she hugged him. The leader of the men began to go on a rant, closing my eyes in some attempt to hide my annoyance.

"Haha, I knew there was something fishy about you from the start!" looking over as Ying and her friend attempted to hide behind me with Akiyoshi. "You've been in it with the groom all along! using a deceased person as an excuse!"

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