lost in the wind.21

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The man in red wasn't there, nor were the girls that followed her. They look like Nan Yang and Xuan Zhen, in a way.  The two deputy gods act like them too. The stories don't disappoint; they are really entertaining. especially the stories of their daughters. My favourite is the rumour that they were the right and left of the snow general of the new Xianle. mother actually fits her description. strong, intimidating, and has a fox mask with ice blue designs. Something felt odd in the air. The sky and air are growing darker too.

"mother?" I held on to her. beginning to shake, my fist and stubby scar began clinging to her as close as possible. She noticed and began to gently rock me in her arms.

"Stay still, sweet pea," she hushed. "I won't let go, okay? I'm not going to let anything happen."

"general Xie!" The brown-haired girl, whose mother called her Nan Ling, shouted. Mu Ying Ying was right behind her. They were rushing forward, trying to reach their mother. mother looked back and called out, worried.

"Girls, where's Hong-er?"

"San Lang?!" Uncle Xie called only to eat a mouthful of sand. We looked around. but there was no sign of him. The wind and sand grew stronger, making the sky darker. After a short amount of time, the man in red reappeared. mother sighed. while his uncle rushed to him. I couldn't see what happened, but from the giggle mother gave with a silent snicker, Uncle must have done something with his friend in red.

"Let's head back," my mother said as she adjusted me in her arms. "The storms are getting worse."

heaven official's blessing Keitteishimai (edited)Where stories live. Discover now