Chapter Three

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'The trouble with fiction is that it makes to much sense. Reality never makes sense.'
~ Unknown ~

Mama Hazel's

The next day started like the rest, and so the only thing I could do was move along and try not to think about my sister's new best friend.

It's Friday now, which doesn't really change anything, because I still have things to do after being in a slump mode yesterday and not wanting to do anything. I was also going to try and find some sorta summer job that will keep me occupied, and also because I'm broke, like broke broke and I need money.

So I've decided to fill my day with tasks for myself to keep my mind off of other things. I dress myself in a plain crop top with a long skirt, followed by my flat converse. My hair is down in it's natural style when I walk down stairs to leave.

My parents already said I could use their car, so I just said a quick bye to my dad and headed out. Both my parents work, it just so happens that my dad works from home so I get to see him more often. Even if he's just on work calls, it's nice to have his presence around.

He waves back to me, and so I grab the keys to the Wagon, and make my way outside. It's 8am, and yet the sun is warming my face to the max already. The wind's dead, and the nudity is livid. So much for coming here at the end of May.

The engine starts with a buffer, but nonetheless turns on. It's scorching inside, so I just decided to let it cool down, by keeping the windows down. I lean my butt on the door, and cross my arms over my chest as I take in my neighbors home. AKA Milo's house.

It's a light shade of yellow, like it always has been. Although it looks a little faded now that I really see it. I look at the side where there's still a mark across the window from when my shoe came off during a cartwheel and hit his house. I can't believe he never washed it.

A part of me wants him to walk out, just so I can see him again. I saw him for the first time the other night in years and he didn't even smile. I haven't been able to see his deep green eyes, or his black hair in the sun. I've only seen him from a distance, and it's sorta upsetting.

I want to get to know this new him. I want to know why he doesn't smile at anyone. I want to know what's going on in his brain like I used to. Wow Isabelle, real back to reality. I shake my head, and climb into the car, ignoring the burning seats.

I drive out of the driveway to the slow hum of the air passing by the window. I see kids walking dogs, kids playing, kids eating ice cream. Adults running, and walking. Everyone in their own individual world of bliss. The drive is short, but I soon make it to the local beach shop that has pear access, and a small cafe inside.

Well at least I hope it still does. I pull into the closet parking lot, and shut the car off. Sending a small wish that it will turn back on when I come back out. I clear my head of all the bad thoughts swarming it, and walk into the building.

The AC slaps me in the face, making me moan in happiness. It's too hot here, and I am loathing getting used to it. Let me just say, the Western weather is so much better than Florida. "Isabelle Everest?" My eyes open, wondering who in the world is calling my name when I see her.

Mama Hazel standing in the flesh. She doesn't look a day over 70. "Is it really you?" She moves her glasses to the top of her head and squints, forming wrinkles around her eyes. I nod my head, and she engulfs me in a hug. "I've missed you Mama Hazel." Her face softens as she pulls me into a hug, and I get her scent that I've never smelt anywhere else up my nose.

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