50 | On top of the world

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My head hearts. I try to reach my phone next to my bed to check on time. 9 A.M?
When did I fall asleep??
No no no no.
Please tell me that I didn't hug Jasper last night.
This is ridiculous.
3 unread messages.
One from my dad.
One from Pesha.
And what??? STEVE???

-Am sorry Hayley. Thing's turned out really worse than I thought. I will try to call you soon.

I don't know how to feel about his text. What should I comment first? The fact that he apologised to me now?? After that long?? Or the fact that I don't know how long his "soon" will be this time. What about the "worse"??
Why didn't he tell me more details about it? I can't text him back. So I guess, I will have to wait for his another text.. If I will ever get.
Am typing "I'm pregnant" multiple times and delete it the same time.
Why the hell am even thinking of texting him?
I call Emily as I promised to her.

-Good morning. Just text me when you wake up and let me know if you feel better.

Babyyy are you okay? Why you didn't came.

I texted them back that am fine.
I don't have the strength to get up from bed. Am a bit hungry but taking the stairs sounds really exhausting right now in my head. I close my eyed for a little and my phone rings.
It's Jasper.

I say sleepy.

-Oh. I woke you up.

-No but I almost fell back asleep..

-I should let you sleep then.

-Actually am glad you woke me up.

-Am near your house.. Brought you coffee. And maybe a tost.
Oh my god. It's like he knows when am hungry.

-Can you open the door for me..? We have extra keys behind the blondie statue. My head is spinning.

-Sure. Be there in 10.


-Still spinning?
I watch him at the door which my dad left open.


-Here you are..your coffee and the tost.

-Thank youu!
I say grabbing the tost. He sits at the edge of the bed.

-What about you?
I ask him.

-I ate breakfast earlier.

-I don't understand how people can get drunk with wine..
I comment while I was eating and he smiles.

-When they drink more than half glass.. it could happen.
He looks at me serious.

-Can we not talk about it?
I ask him.

Freezing - Unfreezingحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن