24 | Sing for me to sleep

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-Samantha..? Please say something.. am worrying!
Samantha's bestie asks.

-I gotta go!

-Go where?????

-I need to get some air..

-Are you sure? I can come with you

-No Jessica.. am fine.

-Text me if you want me to come.. okay??

-I will. Sir!! ?
Samantha raise her hand and math teacher turns his head.

-Can I go to the toilet?

-Of course.. but don't be late.

-Okay. Thank you.
Samantha went out and started running in the hallway to find Hayley's dad.

-Mr Henry!
She called and Hayley's dad turned his back and checked on her.

-Can I talk to you??

-Sure.. but the only reason am still here it's because of your math teacher..

-I know..I just wanted to say that.. I know what Justin did..

-You do..?

-Mr Henry.. I hate him..
She admitted trying to keep her tears from not falling.

-Did he...??

-No! He didn't do anything to me.. yet. But I know he is capable.. Mr Henry.. I know you are a lawyer, and you must hate me too because of what we did to Hayley..

-I do. I don't judge all of you.. some of you I know deep down you wanted to do something.. I don't wanna know the reasons you didn't but as I said before in your class, if anyone wants to say anything, he is welcome to the trial.
He said and turned his back to leave.

-Mr Henry..


-See you to the trial.
She said making Hayley's dad smile and leave proudly.

One week later.
The half class came to the trial to defend Hayley..
Hayley's speech may not change everyone's mind, but even some of them was enough to make Hayley win the trial and send all of the guys to the jail as they deserve.

For the first time in Hayley's life, she felt peace.

You know I will miss you.. right?
Steve said to Hayley while they were sitting on the sofa to Hayley's house.

-Can't believe that one week has passed.


Me and my dad moved to another town . I feel like am living in a movie.. I still remember myself judging all these actors who were saying about new begging..and more specifically make it by moving out.
Now it seems so real.. I can't see myself begging a new life to the country I destroyed it.
Am not regretting anything at all.. but this time, I must leave the past behind to move on.

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