36 | The pink List

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I heard his voice when he came back later, holding two plates. If he was a waiter, I would order one plate after the other. If he was a chef, I would ask the waiter to call the chef out. He got into bed and showed me proudly the pancakes he made.
I turned down and saw a heart made by chocolate syrup.
Blushinggg Blushing and again, blushing.

-I would write "I love you", but I prefer to say it.

-You just said..

-Hm. I love you, Hayley.
I matched my lips to his.

-What about the pancakes..?
He asks some seconds later, trying to take a breath. I watch him taking some syrup with his finger and put it on my lips. I give him a look and lick his finger, leaving him speechless.

-You're playing this game really dirty, princess.

-Am I??
I increased the distance between us and start eating the pancakes pretending that nothing happened.
He smirks and watch me while eating.

-Why am I eating alone?

-I would, but I enjoy seeing you eating like this..

-Like this??
I asked confused and stopped eating.

-I have never seen someone cutting the pancakes into small pieces like you.. you eat like squirrel.

-Why you always making fun of me??
I pretend that am offended, but am not. I won't ever change the way I eat, for no one.
Me and food have another kind of relationship.
No one can battle this.

-I just found another cute thing about you.

-Really?? And what other thing you find it cute about me?? Am really curious.

-Oh, there is no other things. There are too many...

-Tell me one.

-Hm. I will; If you tell me too.

-Am in!

-When you are angry, you talk like too much and fast, making 100 different expressions on your face.. it's just adorable.
He starts saying and I never noticed that or I could never believe that something like this would be cute for anyone.
He told me that before, when we started meeting.

-You're next..

-Ehmm.. You always raise your eyebrows when am talking.
I said and he laughed.

-That's really because of you. That's because you always have something different to say, different way to react.

-Cute things about you list, the Pink List....number 3 of the list is.. your panties
A small laugh showed up on my face.

-My panties??

-Yeah, your panties. I didn't expect them to be pink.
He says trying to hide his smile. I knew it that I would disappoint him. I should stop him last night... I should cancel it..

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