46| When you want something, you run for it.

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She was sleeping for more than hour to the doors side. All of the time, I was wishing she could turn side, so I can stare at her while she sleeps. But I guess it's for the best cause I couldn't take my eyes off her and I really need to stay focus on the road. Checking on her a bit from the small right mirror, I could see that she was having her hand under her head.
That's adorable. It makes me think if she always sleeps like this in a bed. While I was keep driving, I heard her moaning and kicking her legs. She scared me to hell, and stop the car out of the road. I removed my seat belt immediately so I could reach her. She was having a nightmare and I noticed a tear on her cheek.
I put my hand on her shoulder. I need to wake her up but I don't want to scare her.

I whisper to her but she keeps trying to escape from the seat belt. I push my hand a little bit more to shake her.

-Hayley... you are fine
She finally wakes up and turn her head to look at me confused.

-You are fine...
I keep saying and she wipes her tears.

-How far are we??
She asks trying to avoid what happened like she is used to it.

-In one hour we will be there..

-Okay..We have to go..
She says and I start driving again. Every time I was turning my head to check on her, she was just staring out of the window. I couldn't see yer face but her hand was keep wiping her tears. I knew that Hayley was in trouble some years ago, by Emily but I never heard the whole story. Emily was worrying about her every time Hayley's name was spoken to our dinner but I never paid attention to the whole story. Teenagers have issues, I knew that. But as long as I see Hayley reacting like this, having nightmares, panic attack in the elevator, it's now confirmed that her past is more complicated than I thought.
She probably doesn't wanna talk about it. All she wanted was to keep driving and pretend the nightmares never happened.


-You know it could be worse, right???
Hayley says to Ron after we got him out and we were heading to the car.

-I know that Hayley.
He rolls his eyes.

-Did you talk with Steve??
Hayley asks him and I watch him from the mirror, sitting at the back seat smirking.

-Steve doesn't talk to you either huh? Wow. Not to his girlfriend either? That's really fucked up.

I can't stand with him. I guessed that this guy is gonna be a trouble from the moment I saw Hayley's reaction when she heard his name on the phone.

-You stay at Steve's?
She keeps making questions expecting for a better answer.

-Where else? I would stay at my dad's. Oh no! Bloody hell, I forgot. They took his house after he killed himself.

-How all these started?
She asked him.

-Hear me out, Hayley. I know you have a thing with Steve, but that doesn't give you the right to ask about my life.

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