11 | Mountain or Woods?

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-You know its not that. Its just doesn't feel right. 

-Okay..I will call him back
Hayley says disappointed and takes the phone. Steve grab her hand.

-Don't do that. I want you here

-You do?

-Of course silly

-Silly???? What did you call me?
Hayley smiles.


-Noo that wasn't nothingg!

-I meant silly , cute girl

-Hm. better now

-You think..?
He asks her.


-Yep? Is that a new version of yes..? or.. ?

Hayley keeps saying smiling.

-Hm I see.
Few minutes later they decided to watch a film.

-Are you cold?
Steve asked while he felt Hayley cold in his arms.

-No Am okay.

-Are you sure?
Steve puts her hand off him and bring a blanket on her and put Hayley in his arms again.
The movie was finally over.

-So... you will go to your grandma's village?
Steve asks suddenly.

-Probably.. for two weeks. What about you? what will you do these two weeks?

-Well.. am not working I guess for now. I guess I will find something to do. Is there any wifi there?

-Where? To my village?


-Nope. Not at all.



-I don't know, we could video call If you wanted..

-Videoocall...? why

-I will miss you... maybe..
Hayley turned her head too look straight at him.

-Awwee.. Maybeee?


-Or I could call you.. since there is no wifi

-I guess we could do that

-It must be fun there on Christmas.

-No its not

-why not?

-They make events.. and am not that into events.

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