47 | White Towel

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"I knew I had to run faster than ever before, so the grief couldn't catch me."
                                      -Tokyo, La Casa de Papel.


-Is that your room?
I started staring at the room. The wall was green with black. I have seen his bedroom one time. The day I got in to beg him for the xbox.
I would say that it's the first time I see Jasper with a tshirt and not a shirt, but that's a lie since it's Emily's brother and I've seen him before.

-You are a photographer?
I ask him when I noticed his shelf was full of camera's equipment. Different lenses,and albums, probably full of photos.

-Probably not. Never been. Just a hobby.

-Hobby? That's a lot of equipment for someone that want's that for a hobby.
He leaves the bed and comes next me. I take an album and when I tried to open it, he grabs it and put it back on the shelf.

-Don't do that.
He tells me. He seems that he doesn't feel okay to see that album. I didn't mean to do that. Probably it means something to him..

-Am sorry.. I didn't mean to..I should probably go..

I feel so embarrassed right now. Why the hell did I take the album and tried to open it without asking him??
I feel terrible.
I wanna leave right now.

He grabs my wrist.

-Do you wanna see Emily in a Hannah Montana costume?
He change the subject.

-What?? How??
I got surprised.

-We did a small photoshoot some day.

Am more than excited about this.

-Yep. Wanna see?


He says and grab a chair near his computer for me.

-Close the door. And don't tell Emily of course. She would kill me.
I run like a child and close the door. Am not missing this!
I sat next to him and wait for him to find the photos and then... I laugh with all my heart.

I couldn't stop laughing, neither he did.
The difference between our laughs was that I was ready to die, and he was just smiling looking at me.

-I can block mail her now wherever I want.

-Oh come on. You are not that kind of a guy.!

-I promise you am not. But am that kind of brother. She put ketchup in my shoes one day, so of course am that kind of brother.

-Ouch. So you think you like taking revenge?


-I don't believe that.
I say proudly.


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