Chapter 31

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"What about this, baby boy?"

I eyed the menu while sitting on Denver's lap. "That looks good. Very simple, but I want to try it."

"Good. I can give you some chicken from my plate for protein."

"Perfect, Daddy." I replied with a smile, hugging his neck for a moment. Denver hugged my waist and nuzzled my cheeks since my back was against his chest.

Charlie was peering at the menu in silence, seriously contemplating between two choices. I could see her lips and fingers moving as she looked back and forth between two pages.

"Charlotte, you can get both and take one home."

After Denver's statement, Charlie slapped the menu shut and grinned. "Thank you, Denver."

My beloved man chuckled and kissed the back of my head. "You're welcome."

Carver was seated next to Charlie on the opposite side of the table, directly across from where I will be sitting once the food comes. Denver wanted me to have cuddle time to make up for the hours we spent doing physical labor.

Thankfully, we're all moved in now. There is still lots of unpacking to do, but the bed is set up and we opened up our basic necessities. Charlie and Carver had showers on opposite sides of the house. They had brought a nicer set of clothes for eating dinner out tonight, which they changed into after bathing. Denver and I did it separately to save some time, although Denver spent a little more time drying me off than necessary.

Obviously, I've figured out by now that he was just really wanting some extra affection/cuddle time. My daddy dominant is so cute.

A server approached from my right. A somewhat bored-sounding voice said, "Hello, my name is Sawyer and I'll be your server today. Have you decided on drinks and or maybe an appetizer?"

I glanced up at the same time as Carver and noticed my dear friend's starstruck expression. "Carver?"

Carver blushed beet-red as he ripped his gaze from the server and stammered what he wanted to order as a starter. I twisted to look at Denver and he smirked. We both knew what happened.

During the time Carver answered the extra questions and Denver ordered, I took a closer look at Sawyer without staring too much. I was kind of surprised to see his hair had been dyed white and Sawyer's roots were silver to white. It's pretty. I really like his hairstyle, too. I'm not sure how to define it, but it's like a really nicely multi-layered mullet/shag cut with bangs. I'd seen some famous people with this haircut online before and it just really suited Sawyer's face.

Aside from his hair, Sawyer has small, black gauges in his earlobes, a stud piercing on his nose and a small bar in his right eyebrow. My gaze slid down to rich black and gray-toned tattoos that were peeking out of the collar of his white cotton dress shirt. I think he's wearing an undershirt or something to make sure most of his tattoos remain hidden while working. Sawyer had no tattoos on his face or hands, which probably helped in getting him a service job at this fancier Italian restaurant.

His build was slim but toned. I could see some definition in his arms when he shifted slightly in his position while taking Charlie's order. I think he's shorter than Carver, maybe closer to my sister's height. I'm guessing he's five-foot-eight, which would make him an inch taller than Charlie.

Also, Sawyer's face was defined in such a way that made him look like a sexy supermodel in a strangely angelic view. It's hard to describe, but I could see why Carver could be starstruck.

Although my daddy dominant trumps Sawyer any day. Denver has tattoos too, although they're not as dark as Sawyer's own on his fair skin. I guess either Denver's tattoos had faded somewhat with age or they weren't super dark in the first place on his tanned skin. I should ask my beloved man later.

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