Chapter 11

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A panicked scream reached my ears and I jumped from my spot on the couch. I heard Denver's baritone voice trying to soothe his patient, but it wasn't really working. There was a sudden crash and banging on the door, so I hurried to the bedroom to grab something I thought might calm the person down and rushed over to the office door.

"Daddy, um, please take this—?" I was interrupted by the door swinging open and I saw the panicked expression on the older man's face.

"Sir?" I inquired ever so softly.

His wide eyes whipped back and forth, but then he saw me holding my polar bear plushie in my matching hoodie. I beamed at him and held up my bear.

"Um, so I thought Polar might calm you down. He's really soft. Wanna hug him?" I asked, and the man was still really nervous. "Um, it's okay if you don't want to. Sometimes hugs can be scary, but they feel really nice. Or at least I think so."

His fists uncurled aa he slowly reached towards me. Daddy was watching carefully from the doorway behind his patient, but I didn't take my eyes off the man's face as his eyes darted around. His gaze kept focusing on Polar and me, though. Finally one finger touched Polar and the man flinched, but then he relaxed slightly as he tried again. I waited patiently, but my arms were starting to get tired. A yawn slipped out and the man flinched again, but he paused when my hood fell back.

I smiled up at him again. "Me, Polar, or both? My arms are tired."

The older man took a moment to decide. He carefully wrapped his arms around me and gently hugged me. I cautiously returned the soft embrace. The man sighed as the tension drained away.

"Thank you," he whispered, then let go of me after a few more seconds. He stood upright and calmly headed back inside Daddy's office.

I hugged my daddy's waist and he ruffled my hair before returning inside his office as well. My skin prickled from where Daddy's heat seeped into my body, so I grinned to myself and returned to the couch with Polar. I set him down and snuggled under the blanket again to continue watching the bear documentary. It was kind of scary, but also really cool at the same time.

As soon as Daddy's patient left, he came out of his office and over to me. He curled over the back of the couch and draped his arms around my shoulders before repeatedly kissing my face until I was all giggly while trying to do the same to him. Daddy then rested his lips on my crown for awhile, probably thinking about something.

"I like you, Daddy." I said quietly.

Daddy's hum of pleasure vibrated my head. "I like you too, my sweet little boy." he murmured. "Thank you for helping earlier. Sometimes my patients lose focus and snap into a chaotic mind that I can't get them out of easily, but I was surprised by your adorable, unassuming self offering a plushie and or yourself to hug to calm this particular patient down."

I smiled. "No one wants to stay in that dark mind full of fear and panic, Daddy. That's why they go to you for help. But I can be your support and theirs with even just a hug for the times you can't help them."

Daddy kissed my left ear and his arm muscles bulged as he squeezed my form. "Thank you, baby. Maybe I should start advertising you as the best little support boy to hug when scared or sad."

I giggled and shook my head. "Only for special times 'cause I'm really your little boy alone."

Daddy cooed and aww'd aloud, peppering my face with kisses again. "You're so damn adorable, baby. And yes, I don't really want to share your little self with anyone unless I have to."

I turned my head just in time to gently peck his lips. Coupled with his broad smile, Denver's ice-blue eyes brightened in a way that made my cheeks flush.

Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | Completedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن