Chapter 15

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"What the fuck happened!" I growled, wanting to tear my hair out.

Carver tried to calm me, but even he was upset. "Denver, we need to breathe and think it out. What happened yesterday?"

I took a few deep breaths and ended my pacing, flopping down onto my couch. "Emil and I left the hotel, I carried him in to see Jarrett, then we drove home. After we got here, we both unpacked and climbed into bed. We talked a bit, then I fell asleep. I'm certain Emil did the same shortly thereafter. When I awakened this morning, Emil was gone. Literally nowhere to be found. Panda was gone, too."

Carver rubbed his face. "Could this be revenge for a few days ago?"

"That bastard's in police custody right now. I have already sent in my case to get a restraining order on him." I responded, clenching my fists.

My phone rang and I practically leaped to get at it. "Emil!" I exclaimed, then groaned when I heard Charlotte's voice.

"What? What is it? What happened to Emmy?" asked Charlotte, and I wanted to tear my hair out in frustration.

"That's what I want to know!"

"Denver, I'm coming over. I was already on my way to visit, so I'll be there in ten minutes."

I sighed and agreed, then ended the call. Carver raised an eyebrow. I rubbed my face again. "That was Charlotte, Emil's sister."

Carver hummed and watched me rake my hands through my hair. "Are they close?"

"Yes and no. Outward appearances, yes. They love each other very much, though, so don't get me wrong."

"All right. Now think, Denver. Who would want to make you suffer?"

I shook my head. "I don't know."

Carver rested a hand on my back and I looked up at him with a burning question in my eyes. His dark blue eyes were dull with concern, anxiety, and anger.

"Then ask yourself this, Denver? Who wants Emil so badly that they would take him from you inside your home?"

I couldn't think of anyone—at first. I began shaking my head as the possibilities began to narrow. "It couldn't be...there is no way they took him. Why would they want him?"

Carver sat down next to me. "Who? Who took your boy?"

I stared into his eyes. "The perpetrator was probably one of his parents."

"But I thought you said—?"

"I know what I said!" I exclaimed through a growl, clenching my fists again. "I cannot fathom why they would still want Emil even though they consider him a burden, a useless child, and a punching bag. You would think they'd be relieved that Emil was gone."

Carver sat next to me for awhile, wracking his brain. I forced myself to stand up when I heard the doorbell ring, then opened the door to welcome Charlotte inside.

"Where's Emil?" she asked immediately, immediately realizing the cause of my haggard appearance.

I shook my head and turned away. "Charlotte, I..."

"Denver, where the fuck is Emil!" she shouted, and I turned my sharp gaze to her face. She didn't flinch—never did once since I met her.

"Denver is guessing that Emil is with your parents." remarked Carver from the couch.

Charlotte stopped short in the living room as I closed the door. "Who are you? And my parents?" she inquired.

Carver waved with a small smile. "I am Carver Quill, Denver's and Emil's best friend."

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