Chapter 2

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I stiffened, but there was a sweet and kind of spicy scent at his neck. I want to smell more of it, but that would be a weird thing to ask.

"What happened?" asked Denver, drawing back to pat Charlie's shoulder.

Charlie pulled my fingers down from my neck, so I gasped at the same time as Denver. I pouted at my sister, but she only looked at me sadly. Denver cupped my cheeks and tilted my head back.

"Are you all right?"

"Mmhm," I hummed, automatically leaning into his large, warm hands.

Denver chuckled. "Little one, what is your age?"

"Usually or now?" I asked sleepily, then froze when I realized what just slipped out.

Charlie rubbed my arm to calm me down. "I'm sorry, Emil. I thought Mom and Dad would let you be yourself when we came over. I have been telling Denver about you for a long time."

"That's okay." I whispered. "Am I disgusting?"

Denver frowned. "Why would you ever think that, little one?"

"I'm abnormal. Until tonight, I hadn't even been in my adult mind for close to a year. I can't control myself. Even now, I am slipping in and out of my other mind."

He thumbed my cheeks. "Little one, you don't have to force yourself to be any one way."

"I have to," I insisted, looking into his eyes. "I have to."

Denver heard my tone twist and his right hand slid down to stroke my neck. I flinched and shivered, tears rising to my eyes.

"Ssh, don't cry, little one. Breathe for me, a deep breath in and out." he said soothingly, guiding my urge away from crying. "There we go. Ssh..."

Charlie smiled brightly when I looked at her. "Denver is special, Emmy. I brought him for you."

"What?" I whispered. "What are you talking about?"

Denver frowned. "You didn't tell him?"

"I'm not allowed to talk directly to Emil through the phone. Because of classwork and assignments over the past few weeks, I've been unable to come visit. Even then, Emil is heavily monitored."

Denver looked down at me again. I hummed to myself, sighing as he slowly rolled my head again. His fingers rubbed my nape and I almost became deadweight. Denver chuckled.

"So cute," he murmured. "Is he a good boy, Charlotte?"

"Almost always in our parents' minds."

"What is the 'almost' part?"

She nibbled on her bottom lip and shuffled closer to whisper, "Our parents hate it when he makes a mess, which is always completely accidental. They also hate when he splashes in the tub and sloshes water onto the tile. And because he rarely returns to his adult mind, our parents get extremely frustrated and lash out at him. Mom did that to his neck. Dad shattered the glass picture frames and did not replace them. Emil has scars on his feet because of that day."

"Fuck..." hissed Denver. "Do they ever hit him?"

"Yes, although they don't do it when I'm nearby. Emmy is always all smiles and happy giggles when I come back, though. He insists he understands why they hurt him and believes he deserves it. They do take care of him properly aside from those fits of rage."

"How frequently do those occur?"

"At least once or twice a day from both of them. Or that's how it was before I left for college."

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