Chapter 22

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I happily chowed down on a much smaller portion of the food that Dallas made and hummed my delight as the flavors burst in my mouth.

"You're so good at cooking!" I exclaimed, once my mouth was free of food.

Dallas chuckled and reached over to pat my head. "Thank you, Emil."

I grinned. "No, thank you!"

He smiled back and then continued eating while I stuffed my cheeks with the delicious morsels of marinated, grilled chicken. There was also fluffy white rice underneath the meat, then next to it was some delicious oven-baked casserole of broccoli and mushrooms topped with cheese. My appetite had returned after sobbing my guts out and hiccupping while Dallas soothed me. He was really quiet throughout, but a low hum that was reminiscent of a familiar melody had me easing into a peaceful slumber.

I had awakened about ten minutes ago with a growling stomach, so Dallas helped dish up a small plate for me and then we settled ourselves on the couch again. I felt relieved to fully get my past off my chest.

Now, we're watching a Clydesdale horse show, where teams of six Clydesdales are walking or trotting very fancily while pulling a carriage of some kind.

"Wow, they're huge!" I breathed, in complete awe of the giant draft horses. "And they're all so pretty, too."

Dallas smiled and ruffed my hair. "They sure are, Emil. And Clydesdales are known as gentle giants, hence the name of the show."

I nodded happily, still chewing with chipmunk-like cheeks. Dallas reclined on the couch and continued eating. Once I finished, I waited until he was done with his food and then offered to do the dishes. Dallas initially refused, but I convinced him to let me do it.

Honestly, I was really happy to be able to help Dallas.

"Do you need a step-stool to reach deeper into the sink?"

I turned as I set the second dish in the dish rack. I grinned at him. "Thanks, but I'm okay."

Dallas smiled. "That's good."

"Say, Dally, what's your story?"

Dallas grabbed a chair from the breakfast nook and took a seat so we could talk while I worked. He chuckled when I looked at him with eager eyes. His ice-blue eyes suddenly had a faraway look as he leaned back. I turned back to the dishes and waited patiently for him to speak. Dallas inhaled deeply and let out his breath in a big whoosh.

"Well, I was a cowboy slash farm kid growing up. I rode horses, herded cattle, milked cows, collected eggs, hunted foxes and coyotes to keep them away from our animals, and much more." he started, pausing when he noticed my sparkling eyes. He chuckled again and smiled at me.

I'm certain my face was the color of a cooked lobster. Dallas looked almost identical to my daddy dominant when he smiled, except for the fact that Dallas was just an older, bearded version.

"I was friendly in school and no one bullied me, but there are always people who pick on others no matter what stage of life you're trapped inside." murmured Dallas, his lips curling up ever so slightly. "There was this girl I really liked in high school. You could say she was my first love. I picked on her a bit, but there was nothing cruel or mean that I said to her. How could I say anything like that? I was smitten. And I think she could tell. She teased me in response and I couldn't say a word back to refute her."

I giggled. "She sounds like a fun person."

Dallas' smile was bittersweet. His eyes reddened slightly. "When I finally had the courage to ask her out on a date, I got tickets to the latest movie that she wanted to see."

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