Chapter 28

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I was a little nervous when Denver pulled into the driveway of the place we were supposed to see today. It had been a week since Carver told us about it, and I'd just had my first therapy session today. I think it went really well. My heart feels a little lighter.

As Denver made his way up the winding driveway, I could tell that the house itself looked really sturdy and strong. It wasn't exactly an odd shape with it being all squares and rectangles with an angled roof, but I got the sense that the floor plan was going to be a little weird. The metal roof is a dark green color to match with the outside foliage. The stone and wood sides of the tan and cream-colored house made the roof stand out even more upon the approach.

It was clearly two stories, but the square footage was probably way more than we needed. It was four to five thousand square feet total and there was a separate large, two-vehicle garage/workshop, according to the listing online. There had been a lot of showings, but apparently the insides were too much for other people.

"So far, it doesn't look too bad." remarked Denver, and I agreed.

"I'm a little nervous about the inside, but the grounds don't appear to be unkempt or too strenuous to handle. And you don't have to worry about replacing a metal roof." I added, then accepted my man's head pats with a smile.

Denver leaned over and kissed my cheek, so I blushed and returned his peck. I remained in the car after he parked, then waited for him to come around and open the door. When he did, Denver grinned and cupped my cheeks.

"Despite your nervousness, Emil, would you say you're a little excited?"

"Oh, definitely. This might be the perfect house for us, Daddy."

Denver chuckled. "Maybe so. We just have to give it a shot."

My man helped me out of the SUV and onto the concrete driveway, then shut the door. Our real estate agent was the guy Carver knows, and the listing agent for the seller didn't have to be here.

As we approached our real estate agent, Denver and I looked around in amazement. There was a greenhouse in the sun with boxes of plants already growing, a small fruit tree area, and the lack of shrubbery needing to be maintained had to be a plus to Denver as well. The tan and white house had stone pillars that made it look even more impressive. There were large windows along the front of the house where there was a large composite deck from what we'd read online.

The front of the house got a lot of sun, so it must be facing south. That could mean the living areas are on the north side, which means I could sleep in instead of being blinded by sunlight through the windows in the morning. That's exciting.

"You must be Mr. Denver Charleston. I am John Hopper. I know we talked over the phone, but I like greeting clients in person." explained the agent, smiling warmly at Denver as they shook hands. Then John looked down at me. "And who is this little one?"

"Emil," I replied with a smile. "I belong to Denver."

Denver blushed when I pointed to him. The real estate agent seemed confused by the relationship between us, especially because he seemed to sense that I wasn't a child. Good instincts, I must say.

Denver took my left hand as John began to describe the acreage, what we would find on it, and then brought us to the front door of the huge house. He used his phone to unlock a weirdly shaped black box on a windowsill by the door, then retrieved the keys.

"On this keyring, there are also keys to the separate workshop, office, greenhouse, and shed. We can inspect those after we go through the house."

"Sounds like a plan," replied Denver. His fingers were a little sweaty. Is he nervous?

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