Chapter 18

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"Be good, okay?"

I smiled and hugged Charlie. "I will, I promise. Good luck with college."

Charlie smiled and tousled my hair. "Thank you. Have fun!"

I kissed her cheek and she reciprocated, then Denver took my hand. I waved once before I tugged my suitcase behind me as my daddy dominant and I walked up to a podium of sorts. He handed over our tickets and the woman scanned them with hearts in her eyes for my man. I hurried to catch up with Denver as he quickly walked down the pathway to get to the plane.

Daddy glanced down at me with a grin. "Are you excited to meet my dad?"

I beamed. "Yeah! And I wanna try helping around the ranch. Are there horses? Cows?"

He chuckled. "Yes, baby. There are many horses and lots of cows. And I'm sure my dad will be very happy to have a cute little helper at his side."

I giggled, my excitement growing. My daddy looked really happy to be heading back to his home-state and hometown.

The plan was that my man would continue his sessions online with people in the evening through secure video calls while his dad kept me company. I just hope his dad likes me, otherwise it could make for a very awkward and uncomfortable visit.

Denver helped me step onto the plane, then he found our first-class seats. He put my suitcase up and then his own. I quickly sat down in the window seat and set my backpack down to pull out the things I wanted so Denver could put it above us for now. He settled down in the seat next to me and lifted the arm rests so I could cuddle against his side. His left arm curled around my upper body, then he kissed my head. I watched people filing into the plane for awhile, but my adrenaline wore off and tiredness set in.

Denver and I had gotten up really early to make the five o'clock flight. Thankfully we had packed the night before, so all we had to do was bathe, get ready, eat, brush our teeth, and then go. I got a raised eyebrow at security when the man saw my passport and my age, but I was let through. I could've gotten my driver's license when I was younger, but I was too scared I'd go into little-space while driving, so I chose to be safe rather than sorry. Who knows what my parents would have done if I had gotten into an accident while in little-space.


"Hmm?" I lifted my head a bit, then Denver gently pressed it to his chest again. "Is something wrong, Daddy?"

"No, sweetheart. Just snooze. I'll let you know when I have to buckle us into our seats."

I nodded and yawned, then rubbed my cheek across his left pec before settling down again. Denver continued to pet my hair while humming to himself. The vibrations lulled me into a peaceful nap that seemed to end all too quickly.

Denver was just buckling me into my seat when I awakened, so I got a few kisses because I apparently looked adorable to him while I yawned and stretched. It made me laugh. Denver leaned back and stretched out his left hand and I placed my right hand in his palm, so he grasped it with a smile.

His smile is still as gorgeous as when I first saw it nearly three months ago. His ice-blue eyes were brimming with happiness, love, and pride as he looked at me. I wonder if my smile and my expression showed Denver how beautiful he is to me, how proud I am to have him as my man, and how happy I am to spend every moment I can with him. I love my daddy dominant so much.

The plane jerked to a halt on the runway and Denver's grip tightened ever so slightly. I leaned down and kissed his knuckles. Denver released a soft breath and smiled at me, so we continued to look at each other as the plane left the runway and rose into the sky.

Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | Completedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن