Chapter 8

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"Man, I haven't seen you dumbasses since college!" exclaimed Denver, his tone light and playful.

The one who called out to him laughed loudly. "Yeah, we were dumbasses in comparison to you, Mr. Overachiever."

Denver approached them and gave each one a one-armed hug, squishing me between his friends. I didn't mind, but it was a bit odd. He greeted them all and asked how they were doing, so I learned their names.

"Who's the little one?" asked Terry, the one who had called out to my daddy dominant.

Denver rubbed my back, so I twisted around a bit to look at the group. Terry's eyes widened just like Jerry and Tom. I blushed and rubbed my left cheek on Denver's shoulder, clutching onto his shirt. A familiar feeling of shyness mixed with anxiety had made itself known thanks to meeting Denver's friends from college. I hope I don't embarrass him.

"Um, my name is Emil." I said softly, and Terry straightened.

"It's a pleasure to meet such an adorable boy." he said with a smile, holding out his right hand.

I stared at it for a moment, then slowly moved mine from Denver's chest and into Terry's much larger one. "Th-thank you. It's nice meeting you all, too."

Jerry grinned. "So, what's your relationship with Denver?"

I blushed and tucked my head against my daddy dominant's cheek. Denver chuckled and patted my back. "He's my—!"

Tom butted in, "We don't want to hear it from you. We wanna hear it from the cutie-pie."

My face burned. Am I really that cute?

Denver chuckled. "C'mon, baby, tell them what they want to hear." he murmured, so I nodded and turned my head again to look at the three big, tattooed guys.

But my nervousness was overwhelming. I don't want to mess up and make everyone mad. My heart was pounding like crazy, my breaths leaving through short gasps. Denver gently tousled my deep red waves with blond highlights and kissed my cheek, so those actions tipped me over the edge.

"U-um, Denny is..." I paused, moving my pointer finger in patterns across Daddy's chest. "Daddy is mine." I continued softly but firmly, too shy to meet the men's intense gazes.

Terry snorted a laugh. "You finally found your boy, huh?"

Daddy chucked again. "Indeed."

"What's with the bruises, though? I see some traces."

Tom's scrutinizing gaze made me feel ashamed for some reason. But now Daddy was tense, so I rubbed his chest to calm down and gently kissed his cheek. He exhaled harshly and hugged me tighter.

"Whoa, why that old face?" hissed Jerry. "Who the fuck pissed you off?"

I glanced at his soft brown eyes. "Mama and Papa."

Jerry's dark eyebrows shot up. "And what did they do?"

"Hurt me." I whispered, "While he was over at the house with Charlie, they hurt me again."

My daddy's friends froze. They turned their faces away from mine, but I could see that they were getting angry. Daddy kissed my head and told me not to worry, tucking my hands against his chest when I went to reach for Terry, Jerry, and Tom.

"I've started the process to get them in court. I'd prefer not to have to see you guys in there as well for a different reason." remarked Denver, so Tom released a heavy sigh.

"You're right, but that's just inexcusable. Look at how small and cute he is!" he exclaimed, thrusting his left hand out towards me. "How could anyone think to hurt him?"

Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | CompletedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang