Chapter 21

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"I'm still stuffed from our late lunch," I groaned, carefully sitting down on a chair in Denver's old bedroom.

Denver smiled and stroked my cheeks with his thumbs. "I'm sure you are. It was more food than you were used to eating."

I grinned and turned my head to kiss his left wrist. I hummed when Denver pressed his lips to my forehead.

"May we shower together, Daddy?"

"Of course, Em. I was just about to say that we should."

We grinned at each other. I pushed off the chair and hugged his waist, rubbing my face on his pecs. We were shirtless, so my daddy dominant could see my "food baby'' from lunch. Denver's large, warm hand stroked down my back, the trails of tingly heat sending a shudder throughout my body.

"I have three sessions this evening and night, sweetheart. Dad will be with you during those four and half hours."

"Okay, Daddy. I'll be a good boy."

"You always are, Em." whispered Daddy, quietly laughing under his breath. "You're never not a good boy. It's just not in your DNA to be a rebel."

I giggled. "I don't wanna be a rebel because my daddy is amazing, wonderful, protective, sweet, caring, loving, adorable, super handsome, super awesome, and so much more."

Daddy curled down and kissed my head. "Aww, thank you. You're giving me diabetes, my super sweet little boy."

My happy giggles made him grin and kiss my cheeks again.

We climbed into the shower about ten minutes later, and I admit that I felt aroused after seeing my daddy dominant's cock again. Thankfully, that completely wiped away the memory of the semi-traumatizing incident from earlier today. We didn't stay in the shower too long, though, which was a good thing. I was a bit too shy to arouse Denver more in the shower because we're in his dad's house.

Denver dressed me and then he got into a semi-formal shirt and pajama bottoms because he'd be sitting at his desk with his laptop a little later. He also helped dry my hair, then I helped him, so we thanked each other with gentle pecks to our faces. Denver hugged me one last time as I buried my nose into his hair, breathing deeply of his clean, fresh scent while he did the same with mine. I hugged his neck firmly and then kissed his cheek.

"I want to kiss you properly again after you're done with work, Daddy."

His breath hitched. "Yes, baby. Absolutely yes." he whispered, kissing my cheeks before setting my slippered feet on the hardwood floor.

"Thank you, Daddy. Good luck with work!" I exclaimed softly, blowing him kisses while retreating into the hallway.

I closed the door behind me and took a calming breath to ease my pounding heart as I quietly made my way down the hallway towards the living room. I could hear the TV, so Dallas must be watching something.

I actually really like Denver's father, but I'm still nervous that I'll make a mistake and cause him to get mad at me. That might break the happy, cheerful, and loving atmosphere between my daddy dominant and his father. Honestly, I really, really do not want that to happen.

Peering around the doorway at the end of the hallway, I saw Dallas watching TV as expected. He appeared to be a bit zoned out, not really paying attention to the barking weasels on the news. Maybe now would be a good time to approach him?

As if he heard my thoughts, Dallas' eyes cleared and they lifted from the coffee table to my face peeking out from behind the doorway. Dallas quietly snorted with a small smile on his face.

Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | CompletedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora