Chapter 4

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I slowly awakened to the feeling of swaying and hearing whispering. I yawned, but winced when my face stung from the movement.

"Little one?"

I rubbed my eyes. "Denver?"


"What's happening?"

Denver's ice-blue eyes sparkled when I was finally able to look up at his face. "Well, we arrived home after the trip to the hospital, but my little boy was just too eager to sleep in my arms."

"What?" I was bewildered. We even went to the hospital? I don't remember that at all.

Charlie popped into my line of sight. "You were clutching onto him so tightly, Emil. He didn't want to awaken your beautiful self by putting you to bed, so he's been holding you for the last half hour."

"O-oh, I'm sorry." I whispered, but Denver shook his head.

"It was my pleasure to hold you, little one. You are so precious—both in and out of sleep."

My cheeks warmed under his genuinely fond expression. "Th-thank you, Denver."

His pleased expression made me so happy for some reason. Charlie grinned when Denver set my form upright and tucked my back into the corner of the couch with a soft pillow. I sighed and leaned into my comfortable nest. Charlie plopped down next to me with a bright smile.

"Did you sleep well? The pain medication the nurse gave you earlier should still be working."

"Yes, it is, although my face hurts a little." I said softly. "Charlie, thank you."

Her smile wavered. "F-for what?"

"For loving me unconditionally."

She burst into tears, which startled me, but I couldn't reach for her with my arms trapped within the blanket burrito. Charlie gently hugged my form and laid down, resting her head on my legs.

"I'm such a h-horrible s-sister." she stuttered, hugging my knees.

"No, you're not. You did what you could in our situation. You loved me the whole time and made sure that you trusted someone enough to take care of me before you brought him over. You're a wonderful sister, Charlie."

She said nothing, but she seemed a bit more relieved after I said what I knew to be the truth. I saw movement above me and tilted my head back. Denver's gentle smile made me feel warm and fuzzy inside, especially when he pushed his fingers through my hair.

"Are you thirsty, Emil?"

I nodded. "Yes, Denver. May I have some water?"

"Of course. Is that all you want?"

"What do you mean?" I asked quietly.

He smiled and crouched down to my left, his pretty eyes looking up at my face. "Emil, you can still ask for juice in your adult mind."

"Is that so? Dad said I couldn't, though."

Denver's eyebrows scrunched together. I snickered and he relaxed his face as he uttered, "Baby boy, believe me, you can ask for juice."

After taking a deep breath, I shyly asked, "Do you have orange juice?"

Denver stood up and slowly bent down to kiss my head. My happiness increased from the quick peck he gave me.

"Yes, my baby. Do you want it in a sippy cup?"

I grinned. "Yes please, Denny!"

He chuckled and patted my head, wandering towards the kitchen. I slipped into my adult mind to assess my surroundings.

Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | CompletedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin