Chapter 25

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Denver petted my head while I washed the slimy saliva off my hands. "Did you have fun?"

"Yeah! I was shocked that there was a giraffe, too!"

"Two, actually. The other one just wasn't in sight."

My jaw dropped. "That's amazing."

Denver chuckled and bent over to kiss my crown. "I'm glad you're having fun, baby boy."

My cheeks warmed as I bumped my right hip against his thigh. "Did you have fun on the guided tour too, Daddy?"

"I did, mostly because you were enjoying everything so much. I took lots of videos and pictures to share with your sister."

I grinned. "Really? I'm sure she'll be happy. Thank you, Daddy."

Denver blushed and scratched his warm face. "Well, I will be looking at them a lot, too."

"Why do that when you have the real thing right here?"

My daddy's tanned skin flushed a deep red and he crouched down next to me while I dried my hands. I laughed and flopped over his back, but then yelped as he suddenly stood up with my body over his left shoulder.

"Now I've got you!" he growled teasingly, making me laugh as he bounced down the steps with me flopping around.

"Daddy, you've always got me because I love you."

Denver paused, then he moved my body down to be tucked against his left side. He gently kissed my cheeks and forehead, which I returned while hugging his neck.

"What's wrong, Daddy?"

His ice-blue eyes were red-rimmed now and full of tears. "I love you too, Emil. You really are the most amazing little boy in the whole wide world."

"Aren't I only amazing because I'm your little boy?"

He shook his head. "Nope, you just are who you are. And I am so thankful everyday that Charlotte came into my class several years ago so that I can have you in my arms right now."

I smiled happily. "I feel the same way," I replied, then pecked his lips. "Let's get Charlie a nice souvenir from our trip, okay?"

Denver chuckled. "Of course, baby. Maybe we can find something at the gift shop? One for you both?"

"Yes, please."

My daddy dominant smiled brightly. I was being honest with him and not holding back anymore.

Dallas was already at the gift shop, but he jumped when Denver's hand squeezed his shoulder. "Gosh, you gave me a fright."

Denver chuckled while apologizing, then asked, "What had you in such deep thought, Dad?"

"Surprise," he uttered, glancing at me. I grinned at him and he reached over to ruffle my hair. "You're such a good boy, Emil."

I grinned. "Yeah, I know. Daddy just told me that, too."

Dallas laughed while Denver kissed my right cheek. "Yes, he's my very good boy." replied Denver, grinning away. I love his smiles. He's so handsome yet pretty at the same time.

"Are you going to buy Emil something?"

"Mhm, and for his sister."

Dallas hummed. "All right. I will convene with you while Emil is looking around."

Denver smiled and nodded, then brought me to the other side of the gift shop and helped me look at the stuff on the top shelves. He set me down and let me explore while he went off to talk to his dad. It felt a little weird to be away from my daddy dominant's side today, even though he was less than twenty feet away from me.

Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now