Chapter 14

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"Aw, well, I understand. It was really nice meeting you, Emil. I hope we can stay in touch."

I grinned. "I hope we can, too. See you around, Rosen!"

He said his goodbye to me and the call ended. I gave Denver back his phone and cuddled into his lap while eating breakfast at the hotel. Denver nosed my crown and kissed it, firmly gripping my waist with his left arm. I was very comfortable, so my daddy dominant was pleased.

"When are we allowed to go home?" I asked, as soon as my mouth was free of rehydrated eggs and chewy bacon.

Denver chuckled. "As soon as I drop in to see the dean of the college where I gave my seminars yesterday."

"Ooh, okay. Can I come?"

His ice-blue eyes sparkled. "Of course you can, baby boy."

I beamed and kissed his chin, tucking the bridge of my nose against his neck. "I love you, Daddy."

Denver pushed his fingers into my hair and gently cupped the back of my head. I shivered and snuggled deeper into his one-armed embrace. My beloved man was happy to reciprocate. Denver hummed softly and nosed my available cheek.

"What should we do, Em? I want to spoil you so badly."

I blushed. "Well, maybe when we get home we can spoil each other?"

Denver seemed a bit confused at first, then his breath hitched. "Ooh, so now you're being a naughty little boy." he teased, kissing my head and exposed ear.

My face heated up even more. "I-I can't help it, Daddy."

He soothed my embarrassment with a bit more cuddle time before he dumped our trash into the can by the breakfast counter and strode back to our room. We just had to pack a few more things and then check out after we load up the car.

Denver was basically back to his usual self after our little therapy session yesterday afternoon. We did nap until dinnertime, but neither of us were hungry so we got ready for bed and went back to sleep. Denver was looking refreshed when he awakened this morning, especially after I gave him a few good morning smooches to his cheeks.

"C'mon, baby. Do you have everything?"

I looked around the room and then nodded, hurrying over to my daddy dominant by the doorway. I had my backpack slung over my shoulders and I pulled my suitcase behind me. Denver shut the door after I left the room and guided me to the lobby. That was where we left from the sliding doors and loaded up our car in the nearby parking spot.

"Are you cozy, baby?" asked Denver, amusement glinting in his eyes.

I pouted. "You're the one that wrapped me up like this, Daddy. Don't laugh."

He burst into laughter and my pout deepened, but I wasn't mad. Denver had wrapped me up with a blanket like a burrito in the passenger seat and made sure I was cuddled together with Zebra. Denver eased my pouting with kisses to my face, so I couldn't help my giggles as I momentarily slipped into little-space.

"I'll be right back, sweetheart. I'm just going to check out at the front desk." stated Denver, then firmly shut the door and locked it with his key fob.

I was reclining in my burrito bundle, so I rolled over a bit and hugged Zebra a bit tighter while I yawned. I was sleepy since it was so early again, but I do want to get home before the sun gets too warm. A few minutes later, Denver tapped on my window and wiggled his fingers at me before he walked around the vehicle and climbed into the driver's seat. I smiled and rolled over, tucking my nose between Zebra's ears. Denver leaned over and kissed my forehead, stroking my red curls.

Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | CompletedWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt