Chapter 13

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I twirled on the rolling chair, smiling to myself while Denver prepared the necessary materials for the seminar he would be teaching. He chuckled and ruffled my hair, gently kissing my forehead when I stopped moving around to hug his hips.

There weren't any people in the classroom at the moment, but Denver said they'd be coming in soon. He was correct. Within a few minutes after he said that, the students slowly trickled in. All of them looked either really exhausted or very chipper for the early morning seminar.

Denver rubbed my back when I hugged him again, so he smiled warmly at me. His beautiful smile always makes me feel warm and fuzzy. And I'm really happy and relieved that my daddy dominant is feeling better after yesterday. I think he's still blaming himself because I got hurt but, as I told him multiple times, it's not his fault.

He really had no way of knowing that man would attack me. Even I thought he just wanted to talk. It took less than twelve seconds to free me, so I have very light bruising on my neck. Denver's eyes fill with hurt and sorrow every time he sees the bruises, though, which makes me a bit annoyed. It's obvious as to why he's acting like that, but I told him not to so many times.

I sighed, then rested my arms and head on the desk's free space. I just want Denver to move past the incident. I love him so much and I really don't want to see him in pain for any reason. Maybe I should do something to drag my happy and possessive daddy back to the forefront. He's super protective right now, which I do enjoy, but I don't want him constantly stressed out because of me.

As the seminar started, Denver's soothingly deep voice made itself known. I relaxed into my seat with a soft sigh. My daddy dominant tousled my hair as I looked up at him with a happy but sleepy smile. His ice-blue eyes sparkled and it seemed as though he wanted to kiss me, cuddle my form, and snuggle together somewhere alone. But he held himself back for obvious reasons.

I could feel a lot of gazes landing on me, but I didn't mind them. But that was only until I had to use the restroom. Denver noticed my squirming and his eyes widened. I knew he would want to go with me, but my man does have to work. I got up as Denver turned off his mic to lean down.

I kissed his cheek. "I'll be back soon, Daddy. No one's going to hurt me here."

"How can you know that?"

"I saw a really pretty boy taller than me wearing clothes like mine. I'm sure it's okay to be myself here."

Denver pursed his lips. "All right. I love you."

I pecked them and grinned. "I love you, too. Don't worry about me and do your work. You're my famous psychologist daddy, so I don't want your reputation to fall because of you worrying needlessly about me."

He frowned. "It's not needless."

"Okay, but just please focus. I'll be gone maybe fifteen minutes max."

Denver took a few deep breaths and quietly agreed. I kissed him once more, then hurried out of the classroom. I shut the door as I tried to find signage to guide me to the men's restroom.

"Hey, you're leaving Dr. Charleston's seminar?" asked a soft, smooth voice.

I turned to see the taller pretty boy I'd told my daddy dominant about. He had white-blond hair and strange but pretty watermelon-pink irises. He smiled warmly at me.

"Yeah," I finally uttered. "I'm not a student here. He's my daddy."

The boy frowned, then a smile formed again. "Oh, you mean he's your daddy dominant."

I nodded. "Um, so where's the restroom?"

He grinned. "Come with me. I'll show you the way!"

I followed him and he led me to the restroom a few hallways away. I'm glad he talked to me because I never would have found it. He entered with me and we both used the urinals, then washed our hands.

Saved by Daddy (MxM DDLB) | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now