Chapter 29: Word Of Advice

Start from the beginning

"Uh- sure! You guys don't mind if we step aside?" I look at the rest of the group. Everyone shakes their heads, letting us know it's okay to wander off.

Jay takes my hand and leads me to one of our classic trademark dark closets that all of us have seemed to end up in at one point or another.


Jay closes the door behind him as he begins to let his panicked nature show.

"(Y/N), you and Lloyd are some of the best friends I've ever had. And you guys seem to love each other so much that you would risk your reputation just for that love. And well... I need some advice..." Jay sighs.

"Oh... kay?" I raise an eyebrow as I gesture for him to continue.

"How did you know that Lloyd was the one?"

That was a hard question.

"Jay... it doesn't happen like that. Of course I thought Lloyd was cute and all but it takes chemistry for anything to happen between two people. Lloyd and I just started to get to know each other and we both felt like we were close enough and cared about each other enough to begin a relationship.

Well... our realization for each other's feelings were settled in a cage above a pit of lava mere seconds before our deaths but... it happened more or less in a normal way," I let out a dreamy sigh as I remember that very day. Most don't remember the day they almost died as a positive moment but that was the day Lloyd and I became a couple so I think of it fondly.

"And that's it? There was no spark? No special moment? No sudden realization?" Jay pries for a better answer.

"I just- well..." Jay sighs. "I'm torn, (Y/N). Between two people I really care about. I have feelings for the both of them. I've been praying for some kind of sign or for someone to set me on the right direction but I haven't gotten anything! Not a single thing!" Jay cries out.

"There may never be a sign Jay. Sometimes you need to take initiative... actually- here! I've got something that could help you out," I remember one thing. Something I've been saving for a long time. Something I knew would come in handy one day.

I reach into the side pocket of my backpack and pull out a little plastic capsule and put it in his hands.

"A... ring?" Jay cocks an eyebrow at me. Confusion covers his face.

"That's not just any ring. I got it for 25 tickets at an arcade. I've been carrying that baby around for months waiting for when I knew I'd need it," I say confidently with my hands on my hips.

"And why is it needed now?" Jay still doesn't understand.

"I told you you need to make an opportunity. Make your moment! If you've got two people on your mind then you really need to think. Give that to one of them. Think of who would cherish it more. Who wouldn't care that it's just a cheap piece of paper thin metal? Who would wear it every day until it wore out just because it was from you? You may need to think about it for a while but you're a smart guy, Jay. It'll come to you. I promise," I wink as I nudge him a little bit.

"This... this really means a lot, (Y/N), thank you," Jay smiles as he clutches the capsule containing the ring between his palms.

"Quick question though, why did you ask me for advice and not Lloyd?" I ask.

"I dunno, you're less awkward than he is," Jay answers sheepishly.

"Not true, but fair."

Jay and I exchange a quick smile before heading out of the dark room we had just been cramped into.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2022 ⏰

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