He always has to ruin something! Why can't I ever just have something for myself? I can never be truly happy. Not if he is here.

I can feel the dark lord turn to look at us. Studying us both. I start feeling a sharp pain. I don't show him anything.

Learning Occlumency and Legilimency at a young age has been difficult but effective.

"Well then, I'm glad you all joined us, and good luck with your missions. Maisie stay, I need to talk to you alone."

I watch as everyone apparates away. Mattheo leaves through the doors. Did he know about this? I see that my father has stayed behind as well.

"Lucius, I said Maisie stay behind. Not you, you can leave. Unless your name is Maisie."

"Apologies, my lord. I just thought that since she is my daughter, I could stay and watch over her."

You lying piece of shit! You only want to see if I would suffer.

I feel the sharp pain again almost instantly. Shit! I forgot to use Occlumency. The pain goes away just as fast. Great, he heard my thoughts.

"Lucius, leave! Do as I say!" Voldemort says, then turns to look at me and winks.

Did Voldemort just wink at me?

"Yes, my lord" Lucius immediately apparates away.

"What would you like to talk to me about my lord?"

"Well, I see you haven't been fond of my son. I hope you can see why I thought it would be a good idea for this to happen. I have been very lenient with you getting the dark mark since your brother got it and you were great friends with my son. Also, because I know of the situations that go on in this household. Even if I am disgusted by the way your father handles you, he is my most loyal servant. However, now that you are marrying my son I am now going to have to give you the dark mark."

"I understand my lord."

"Mhm. I see. You are a very smart girl Maisie. I am very proud. Give me your left forearm."

Right as he put his wand on my arm a burning sensation starts to spread. It feels like my arm is being thrown into the fire! The seconds start to feel like hours.

I look down and see how the snake slithers through the skull. Unlike my brother, I try to see the brighter part of having it. I mean, it is a tattoo. Plus it's a snake so it represents Slytherin. I always wanted to get a snake tattoo and I am a Slytherin.

Once it's over Voldemort smiles at me and apparates away. I leave the room and get pulled. I hiss at the force I'm being pulled with. The hand tightly grabs around the new mark.

"What did my father want."

"Did you know that they were going to do this?" I ask while trying to force my arm out of his grasp.

"No of course not! I would have told you beforehand if I knew we were going to get married!"

"Oh before or after you insult me?"

He looks at me confused but doesn't loosen his grip on my arm. I guess my face is finally starting to show signs of discomfort because realization hits his face. He releases my arm and turns in frustration.

"Fuck! He Promised me!" he yells, now pacing in frustration.

"What do you mean he promised you?" I ask confused as to what he meant.

"None of your fucking business."

"Well as your soon-to-be wife I'll make it my fucking business! I will not be pushed around by you. I don't want this! I have Col...MERLIN I HAVE COL!"

Merlin balls! How did I forget, I have Col. How am I going to tell him? I can't lose him! What am I going to do?

"Whatever, it doesn't matter anyways."

With that I see him leave. Did he forget he brought me here?

I start to head to my room. I pick out one of the books on my shelf and start to read.

*knock knock*

I see my mother opening the door.

"Hey honey, how are you doing?"

"Well other than finding out that I am marrying Riddle, I am doing just great!"

"Oh dear, I had no idea. I just found out from your aunt. Your father was just looking out for our family. He means no harm."

"Mom that's bullshit and you know it! He is manipulating you! Come on mom, we have to leave! Remember our trip, the plan! How freeing it was to be away from him! Knowing how Draco was safe with the Notts. How he couldn't harm us!"

"That is enough! He is still your father and he loves you and your brother! Especially me! I will not hear another word of your profanity! Now get ready to go back to Hogwarts."

"Do you know that I received the dark mark today?"

She slowly turns to look at me. Her expression changes for a split second but then goes back to the same look.

"I did not. I'm glad you got it. You just showed that you are not the disappointment I thought of you to be."

With that, she leaves. Why does everyone leave? I loved my mother until she was also forced to wear the mark.

She always does what father says now without a thought. I miss the old her. The kind one. The loving one. The humble one. The one that would care for you. Now she's just coldhearted, stuck up, and doesn't care for anyone but my father.

I change into my Slytherin robes with a black long-sleeve dress underneath. I apparate to my dorm room.

Why are my lights off? I take out my wand and cast Lumos. I then hear a voice come out of nowhere. I jump upon hearing it. My reflexes kick in as I quickly turn around and put my wand against his throat.

He rolls his eyes at my exaggeration. Looking at me annoyed and frustrated with his arms crossed.

"Took you long enough."

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