He pulls away and takes a good look at me. "Look at you getting old." He shakes his head, and scratches his slight beard. Which for the record is definitely gray. "I'm 17 dad," I laugh mocking his stance. "Your the one with the gray hair." He touches his hand to his head and gasps. "Don't criticize my hair." I lean over laughing at my dads playful tone. I think I missed my dad more than anything. "Seriously though, I'm really glad you're back." He smiles, creating wrinkles below his eyes.

"Oh my gosh, you have wrinkles." His smile drops and his finger lifts in the air to point at me. "Be carful what you say Izzy." He warns causing me to smile. "I love you dad." He softens, and pulls me back into a hug. "I love you too honey." We share a meaningful moment before my mom bust it. "You need to get your stuff Isabelle." I pull apart from my dad. "Uh oh, she used your full name. You didn't insult her car by chance did you?" He winces when I nod slowly.

"I can hear you guys!" My mom screams. We both burst out laughing, walking towards her trunk to grab my stuff. "We're just kidding mom!" I yell back to her. She stands in the doorway, with her hands on her hips.

"Hey, where's Luna?" I ask my dad, grabbing my suitcase as he grabs another one. Luna's my sister that's 12 years old, and a spitting image of me. We never really got to bond before I left at the ripe age of 15. She was only 9 at the time. I was hitting puberty, and she was into coloring books.

Then everything went down, and suddenly I was gone. What a change of events. My dad hesitated before answering my question making me even more curious for the answer. "She didn't want to see you." He mutters lowly. My smile falters as does my stepping. "Why?" I whisper back sadly. He sighs, and rubs his forehead to smooth out the crease that's formed.

"She was only 9 when you left, and she looked up to you. You were her roll model. She'll just take some time to get used to you being back. Don't worry sweetie, she'll come around eventually." He smiles, but I can tell it's through a lie. He's just trying to make me feel better. Good thing I'm the most determined person you will find to make things right with people.

I sigh when I feel the cool AC hit my face lightly, making me stand in place to enjoy it. My dad continues up the stairs, I'm guessing to place my stuff in my room. After I cool off, I follow after him and walk into my room. It looks exactly the same as it did when I was here before.

"You guys literally changed nothing." I gasp. My walls are still light green, there are still Harry Styles, and Taylor Swift posters on my walls. I still have stickers around my mirror, and my candles that I was obsessed with on my desk.

I do notice new stuff too. There are plants now in front of my big open window. There's sun beaming in to keep the plants living too. I have a new comforter on a queen bed instead of a twin that sits against the right wall in the middle of my room. My desk is across from my bed, and then my dresser is in my closet which is to the left of my desk.

My bathroom is to my left on the same wall as the door, and straight ahead of me I see my huge window that has always been my favorite. "Me and your mom upgraded it a little bit, but what do you think?" He bounces on his feet waiting for my response. "Dad, I love it. You guys did a wonderful job." I gush, wanting to cry at how perfect it is.

"I'm glad you like it. Now do what you need. Shower, sleep, whatever but I'm gonna start making dinner downstairs." I nod still staring at my room, as he passes me in the doorframe and walks down the stairs. I have hardwood in my room, but the new fluffy carpet they have in here is freaking worth it.

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