"Mhm..." Nialls brows pinched together in obvious confusion. "He's an asshole like that."

"Has he ever apologized to you before?" I asked.

"Yeah," Niall admitted. "When we were kids."

"Before his mom died?" My question stupidly fumbled out.

"Yeah?" I could see his confusion growing by the second.

"He explained all of that to me last night." I said to try and clear up some of Niall's inner turmoil. "Thalia and him both told me what Conner and his men did."

"Wait— H talked to you about Anne's death?" Niall looked at me as if I had just grown another head right in front of him.

I nodded, "He told me about the window, the snow, how long he was outside for before he finally woke up... he told me a lot."

"Wow..." Niall let out a short laugh of disbelief. "He hasn't talked about that in years." His eyes flashed back over to me before continuing. "Why did you ask me if he's ever apologized to me?'

I shrugged, a pit of guilt forming in my stomach now that I new that it's been nearly ten years since Harry has given Niall any form of an apology. I've only known Harry for a month and in that month he's said and done so many hurtful things that should have earned me an apology, so I couldn't imagine the things that had been done or said within the last ten years, especially to someone as close to him as Niall.

"That fuck apologized to you, didnt he?"

I formed my lips into a tight line, Nialls eyes squinting to me as I slowly began to nod my head. Once again I felt insanely guilty.

Niall tossed his head back in a laugh, "Well about fuckin' time he did! He's been a right out asshole to you since the moment you guys met. I don't know how you've managed to put up with him."

I shrugged softly, my eyes looking away from Niall. "I guess I see the person in him that all of you do."

There was a moment of silence that fell between us before Niall finally spoke up again. "Well thank god for that. Was starting to think that you hit your head one too many times or something."

I scoffed, looking back over to him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, nothing." Niall raised his hands up in defense as he stood from the stool beside me. "I'm just saying that I was starting to think you were somewhat of a masochist."

"Niall!" My brows shot up, my mouth falling open in disbeleif.

Niall stepped away from me quickly as I tried to swat his arm. "I'm just saying!" He choked out between laughs. "No person in their right mind would ever spend all of their free time with someone like that."

It's not like I go out of my way to spend time with Harry. I quite literally have no one else to hang out with. I feel like I'm bothering everyone if I hang around them so I try and stay to myself when we're not eating or doing something together. It's not my fault that Harry finds his way into whatever I'm doing on my own.

"Well I don't see you making much of an effort to hang out with me." I crossed my arms over my chest with raised brows.

"Aw, darlin' if ya want my attention all you gotta do is ask." Niall shot me a teasing wink causing me to laugh.

"I'll keep that in mind." I replied with a smile as I lifted myself from the stool to head towards the pantry in hopes of finding a water bottle in there.

Luckily there was entire case. I pulled one from the plastic and gulped half of it down, popped my medicine into my mouth then finished off the bottle. After it was empty I grabbed two more bottles figuring that Harry would probably be thirsty when he woke up.

Insatiable [h.s] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon