Coach Hawks coughed. "Well uh... Jared didn't see you on that ladder there, so uhm... it was all a mistake."

I sat myself up into a sitting position and leaned back on my hands.

I stared at him dumbfounded. A mistake?

"A mistake?" I shouted. "The guy was aiming at my freakin' head! How do you call that a mistake?"

"Chill Kait, I wasn't aiming at you." Jared said, a faint smile playing on his lips.

"Then what were you aiming at?" I demanded.

"Oh nothing, just this ugly, disturbing thing on the wall," He shared a look with Liam and then they both broke out into laughter.

What are they five? They seriously need to grow up.

I looked at the coach waiting for him to say something. He opened his mouth, about to speak, then closed it.

"Coach Hawks!" Someone called from the center of the gym.

"Sorry, duty calls. But, uh... hope you feel better Kait." He turned and left.

I got up quickly so that I could brush myself off and get back to work, but apparently I got up way to quickly making myself dizzy and causing myself to fall over. Again. But then, Liam caught me.

"Wow Kait, first falling off of ladders by invisible forces and now falling just by standing up? You really are unstable." Liam said, looking down at me with those deep milk chocolate brown eyes of his. The eyes that make any girl melt under his gaze.

"I'm not unstable." I muttered, getting out of his arms.

Jared snorted. "Ha, good one Kait."

I turned to face him. "Excuse me?"

"No, it's nothing. I just think it's funny that you think that you're not unstable. I mean, it's pretty hilarious."

I gave him a long look. "I'm pretty sure that you're the unstable one here. I'm not the one who is a liar and a cheater."

He narrowed his eyes at me, but I walked away before he could say anything.

I had a lot of work to do.


"We want cake! We want cake! We want cake!"

"Okay, okay. You'll get your cake. But, only after you eat your veggie pizzas." I told the shrieking kids at Bobo's Party in A Box.

I was working another shift and this one seems to be the hardest. Four year old boys. This was an all four year old boys birthday party. I mean sure, I've handled ones before but, one of the mother's decided that they should have organic healthy food for the party. Because four year olds just love that.

So, instead of feeding them regular cheesy, greasy, and sometimes meaty pizzas, we had to give them pizza covered from crust to the tip in broccoli, carrots, and celery sticks. What kind of four year old would eat that? What kind of person would eat that?

I think that there are some parents who need some serious help here.

So now, all the boys are refusing to touch their pizzas and want to go straight ahead to the cake. Which I'm pretty sure is carrot cake, but hey, it has frosting right?

The kids just kept shrieking and screaming for their cake, threatening to throw the pizzas at my stupid weenie face. I needed help, I'm regretting telling Bill that I can handle this all on my own, in my stupid haste to get a raise. Because the truth is, I can't handle this on my own. I can't even handle four kids on my own.

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