Ron looks at me betrayed, "So why didn't you tell me, I thought we were all best friends? How could you not tell me?"

"I-...I guess I was scared you would be mad at me for implying such a thing about your own sister, whom you love. I'm sorry, Ron. I did not mean to hurt you." I apologize looking at the ground with furrowed brows.

"Look, you both need to save this for later. We have more pressing matters on our hands, saving Ginny. The first step to doing that is finding Lockhart." Harry orders us, breaking the conversation.

There is still a thick tension in the room, but it is not as suffocating as it was before harry said that. For that, I am grateful. We walk off with a desperate purpose, towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Harry walks inbetween Ron and I.

Ron ignores me and only asks Harry, "Harry. D'you think there's any chance at all she's not, you know-"

Harry looks over at Ron and then reassures him, "We'll find her, Ron. Ginny's gonna be fine."

Ron nods and turns away. I peak at Harry's face as it changes and I can tell he doesn't even believe that. I perfect my posture and steel myself for this, I grabbed a strip of fabric out of the Infirmary on our way out after getting the paper out if Hermione's hand, so I will be ready if my worst fear comes true and we have to fight the Basilisk. Kiara would never be the same if Ginny dies and neither would Ron, so for them, I will make sure this monster dies and Ginny lives.

───────── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────────

I open the door and we all dash inside Lockhart's office, where he is...packing??? All of his many trophies and awards are gone and he has two large trunks that stand open on his the floor. Do not tell me he's a lier and a coward. I should have trusted my instincts on his cowardliness, when he ran away after seeing the destruction the Cornish Pixies he let out were causing.

"Professor, we've got some information for you- Are you going somewhere?" Harry asks him.

He stutters out an excuse, "Um, well, yes. Urgent call. Unavoidable. Got to go..."

"What about my sister?" Ron urges angrily and desperate.

Lockhart tries to give a fake apology, "Well, as to that- most unfortunate. No one regrets more than I-"

Ron cuts him off, "You're the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher! You can't go now!"

He replies easily, like a man who has lied his whole life would, with an excuse, "I must say, when I took the job, nothing in the job description-"

He is cut off again but this time by Harry, "You're running away? After all the stuff you did in your books?"

"Harry surely you did not believe the books? I mean my Father even said that he has never been in the Order of Merlin, he made your bones turn to liquid, and he let out Cornish Pixies to destroy everything then ran away when it went wrong. He's such an idiot, I bet even a child could beat him in a duel." I state snarling at Lockhart.

Harry looks at me with what seems to be disappointment. I truly sound like Father, perhaps this has been my fate all along. Scoffing, I look away and glare at the ground. I delve into myself in self pity and despair. I do not like the person that I become sometimes and I do not know how to fix it.

Recovering from my slander Lockhart says, "Books can be misleading."

"You wrote them!" Harry exclaims frustrated with Lockhart's stupidity.

He refutes with, "My dear boy, do use your common sense. My books wouldn't have sold half as well if people didn't think I'd done all those things. No one wants to read about some ugly old Armenian warlock, even if he did save a village from werewolves. He'd look dreadful on the front cover. No dress sense at all..."

"I have got to say that your face is not anything pretty either. You really do not have a place insulting others for their looks. Besides did you even think ahead to what would happen if all of these people came out and announced how you are a fraud and leached from their hard earned achievements?" I ask him, seriously.

Lockhart just gives a hallow laugh and responds, "The wizards and witches I take stories from never do speak up."

"Is there anything you can do?" Ron questions him baffled at his explanation.

Lockhart smiles and informs us with a conspiring tone, "Yes, now that you mention it. I'm rather gifted with Memory Charms. Otherwise, you see, all those wizards and witches would've gone blabbing, like your friend said, and I'd never have sold another book. I'm afraid I'll have to do the same to you three, lest you do the same."

Before he can even cast a spell Harry does, "Expelliarmus!"

I put my wand back, Harry needs to learn to protect himself. I will not be around him always to do so for him.

Lockhart goes flying and topples over one of his open trunks on the ground, his wand arcing through the air and onto the floor behind us.

"Looks like those dueling lessons came in handy after all, Professor." Harry says smoothly.

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