~Twenty Five~

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"I'm glad to see that asshole in jail." Ivan said as he bit inside his burger.

We were eating lunch at the restuarant since it was lunch time but I didn't work today. I had to get out of the house cause my mind was making everything go insane.

"How's Elle?"

"We haven't spoke."

"I would have figured you got back together." He made a face before biting into his burger.

"I'm giving her time to cope with everything. She's staying with Ethan right now." I look down at my plate of fries before pushing them away.

Ivan looks at me before giving me a confused look. "You're not hungry?" I shook my head before leaning back and crossing my arms. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine."

I wasn't sure if I was fine or not. I had a weird feeling in my stomach that I couldn't ignore for the last few days.

It was driving me crazy.

Layla wouldn't leave me alone about what has been happening. She kept asking questions on how long I knew all of this and when I was planning on telling anyone about it.

Then proceeded to ask if I was seeing Elle but I had to tell her no, cause I wasn't.

But I've been keeping updates on her cause I was texting Ethan, asking him about her and everything. I wanted to go see her but work was in the way and I thought it was best if I didn't right now.

But a part of me wanted to.

"What are your plans for the rest of the day?" Ivan asks as we walk out of the restuarant. I knew it was around two in the afternoon and I had no other plans. "Going to see Elle?"

Elle hasn't been working the last few days and I knew Ethan was watching her. I wanted to go see her but a part of me was telling me not to.

"Maybe." I shrug.

"How come you're not rushing to her side? I mean.. you were in love with the woman."

"I'm still in love with her. I'm just giving her space."

"Maybe she doesn't want space." Ivan said as we got into his hot ass car. "She told you she misses you and now that Milo is gone, you can be together again."

I look over at him as he was backing up and pulling out of the parking lot. "You think it's that easy?" I ask.

"Yeah?" He questions. "What's not easy about it?"

"I don't know.. I feel like it's too good to be true and something is waiting to happen."

"You're always like that." Ivan chuckles. "Go see the damn woman." He looks at me. "We all thought she left you for a different reason and it's not true. So now it's your time to be with her again."

I sigh, not knowing what to do. I wanted to see her and be with her but something was stopping me.

When we got to his house, I followed him inside and he stops me. "Go see her, Jalen. She might need you."

Looking at him, I tossed my arms a little before shaking my head. "Fine. If you didn't want to spend time with me then you could of said something."

He chuckles before shaking his head. "I love you."

After I left, I texted Ethan and asked if I could come see Elle. I had to make sure it was ok for me to come by and see her without coming over unannounced.

When he messaged back, telling me it was ok for me to come over, I hopped into my Jeep and sent Layla a text before driving away from Ivan's house.

I was a little nervous for some reason. I wasn't sure why but my hand was shaking as I was pulling into Ethan's driveway and parking.

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