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"I saw her." Ivan said as we were walking around. "I swear that was her cause I knew her car." He looks over at me. "Was Ethan over there?"

"Yeah. He came to check on me since I was sick."

"Did he say she was there?"

I shook my head. "I never asked him. But she still drives the same car."

Ivan nods as he looks around. "I knew I wasn't imagining things. But the real question is.. why was she there?" He looks over at me. "She never came over?"

"No." I said as I was more confused about this. I couldn't understand why she would even be at my house.

"Maybe she went there cause Ethan was there?"

"I doubt it." I said.


"They hardly talk right now."

Ivan gives me a confused look. "Why?"

"Cause Ethan don't like her fiance. He says he's a total asshole."

I saw the look Ivan was giving me before looking away. I look around as well as we were walking around this old football field, which was empty right now and I was glad.

It was just us.

It was a little late in the evening, so nobody was here and we made sure no high school students were here either.

We wanted to be here alone and not have people here as we talked. I knew that sometimes the football field was empty, so we drove down here to see and one person had left when we came here.

But walking around the football field in the evening or at night was a great way to relax.

"So, you don't think she's stalking you?" Ivan asks as we were walking.

I look over at him before shaking my head. "I don't think that at all."

"Then explain why she was at your house. You said she never came inside."

"I don't know." I sighed before looking away, trying to focus on other things.

Ivan and I kept walking for a moment before we stopped. I looked towards the sunset and smiled at how amazing it looked before taking my phone out and taking a picture of it.

"In all honesty, I think she's trying something." Ivan said.

I look over at him as we were walking again. "Trying what?"

"I don't know. But she's up to something."

Shaking my head, I looked around for a moment before looking back at him. I wasn't sure what his problem was with the thought of Elle messing with my head or stalking me, but I need to make sure he knew that she wasn't doing any of those things.

"And how do you know?" Ivan asks. "You don't talk to her anymore. Unless you do and you're not telling me."

"I don't talk to her but why would she do any of that? She's the one that broke my heart.. not the other way around."

Ivan looks at me. "True but you know how crazy some people are? After they realized they lost something that can't get back? It's like they turn into a different person and goes completely crazy."

"Elle wouldn't do that."

"And you know this for a fact?"

I shook my head as I ignored everything else he was saying. I knew that he was trying to figure it out but I didn't care cause I was trying to forget her, not keep remembering.

Mrs. Red [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now