~Twenty Nine~

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It was the day of the court and Elle was beyond nervous.

She wouldn't sleep that night cause she kept tossing and turning. I had to hold her down and whisper in her ear to get her to calm down and fall asleep.

Eventually she fell asleep but was up in another hour cause she couldn't sleep any longer.

She said her nerves were getting to her and sleeping wasn't going to push them away.

I understood that and stayed up with her for the remainder of the night, which was around four in the morning when she woke up.

When it was time to get ready, I was tired but I kept myself going. I yawned so much but knew it was worth it cause I stayed up with Elle since she couldn't sleep.

I made sure to stay by her side as we were getting ready, eating breakfast and driving to the court house.

Layla and Kane was following up in their car as Ethan was driving us to the destination.

Elle was in the front seat and I was in the middle of the back. I was watching her from where I was sitting and could see her leg bouncing and her hands were slightly shaking.

Ethan was calming her down as he was talking to her, reassuring her that everything was going to be ok and there was nothing to worry about.

"We have all the evidence." Ethan said.

By this time, Elle's bruises has faded but Ethan took pictures of them. I was glad he did that cause I knew those bruises weren't going to be there for the next two weeks.

I was confident in everything.

I just hope everything goes well.

The court house was packed and Layla was talking to Elle before we entered. I was staying back with Kane as he was talking about the case, asking if I was nervous.

"Not as much as Elle." I said as my eyes remained on her.

She needed this more than anything.

Milo has been doing this sick game for too long and it was time to end it.

I should of cared more back then and stopped this asshole but it wasn't my place then, which should of been but I was in a different mindset than I am now.

When we entered the court room, it was so packed that it was hard to find a seat. I knew that there were more than one case today and everyone else was here because of different cases.

Elle and Ethan's parents were sitting down on the left and we all sat with them.

I looked over at them as Elle was laying her head on her mom's shoulder. I wish I could be next to her and comfort her but I was stuck on the other side of Kane, away from them.

But I stole glances at her from time to time.

When it started, the judge came out and started with the first case. I wasn't interested in it, so I looked around and stared at the lights on the ceiling.

Kane whispered to me a few times, talking about random things to make the time go by. I saw Layla shush him a few times as she looks at me and gives me a look.

The immates were already out and I took this time to look around and see Milo sitting with the other male immates.

He had his hands cuffed from the front and his feet were cuffed also. I saw him look around, looking at Elle and everyone else before looking back at the judge.

Once, I whispered to Kane and asked what the sentence would be if I jumped over everyone and strangled Milo.

Kane was holding his laugh in but I was being serious.

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