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"Wow." Ivan laughs as he leans back and stares at me. I knew he would find it funny but I didn't find it as humerous as he did.

I told Ivan what Layla told me about Elle wanting me to come to her party but not knowing why.

Ivan found it funny and asked why, which I told him that I didn't know the reason cause Layla didn't even know the reason.

"She's fucking with your head." Ivan said.

"I don't know what she's doing. We broke up without reason and now she wants me to come to her party without reason."

Ivan looks at me for a moment as I popped a fry in my mouth and looked around the restuarant. I was over today and ready to go home to take a shower and go to bed.

Today has been exhausting.

I went to sleep with heavy thoughts but managed to sleep every bit of those away and not even once dream about her.

"Let me ask you this," Ivan spoke. "has she always been like that when you were dating?"

"Like what?"

"Doing things without reason."

I thought back, but couldn't remember anything that she did without reason. I couldn't understand why she was doing that at the end of our relationship and she was still doing it.


Ivan nods before taking a sip of his drink. "Don't even think about her, seriously."

I nodded, knowing that was going to be a challenge. I folded my arms on the table and sighed as I looked around before looking over at Ivan as he was looking around also.

"Oh goodness." Ivan said, which made me look over at him. He was staring off somewhere behind me and I turned to see a man walk in that didn't look familiar at all.

He had a weird, mean look to him and he was dressed sorta professional but not entirely. He had on dress pants, shoes but no whole suit cause he was missing the jacket part.

"Gross." Ivan said as I looked back at him. "That guy just made the whole place turn a weird feeling and I don't like it."

"His aura, right?"

Ivan nods. "Exactly. It's weird. The vibe is off. Have you ever seen him before?"

Looking back, he was now sitting at the small bar we had at the front where customers could sit down. I kept looking at him until his back was towards me.

"No." I said as I look back at Ivan.

"But you feel the weird vibe too?"

"Yeah." I said. I definitely felt a weird energy now with him walking in but I ignored it cause I honestly didn't know the guy.

After lunch was done, I walked Ivan out and told him goodbye after we talked a little longer. I walked back inside and saw that man was still sitting at the bar, which I glanced over at as I was making my way into the kitchen.

Once I was in, I got back to work after my lunch break. It was now two in the afternoon and I had only three hours left of this shift and I could go home to relax.

"We need a Salmon but don't put any Garlic powder on it cause the man who ordered it is allergic." The waitress said as she hung up the order.

I took it down, read it over before placing it on the wall in front of me and getting everything I needed to make this order.

It was pretty simple and I don't get a lot of orders related to fish cause some people don't like it and even though it's on the menu, we don't sell it a lot.

After I was done, I watched as the other people plated the foor and placed it on the counter for the waitress to take.

I went back to cooking before seeing the waitress come to grab the plate, which made me watch her cause the window in the kitchen was visible to the front of the restuarant.

Then I saw her handing the food off to that man that was sitting at the bar. I kept watching as he looks at her and nods without smiling before calling her back to him as he was pointing at the food and saying something.

I saw the waitress grab the plate of food and walk back to the kitchen before placing it on the counter. I saw everyone stop to look at her as she stares at the plate before looking around.

"The man who ordered this said it didn't look good and wants the cook to redo it." I saw her look at me before someone else said something.

"Tell him to kiss our ass. There's nothing wrong with our food."

The waitress crosses her arms. "That's what he said."

"Where's he at?" One of my coworkers takes his apron off and looks over at her. "I'll talk to him."

The waitress wanting nothing to do with it so she said to do something before walking out of the kitchen.

We all walked over to the plate and stood around it, trying to figure out what was wrong with it. I saw that it was perfect and couldn't see anything wrong, which everyone else agreed.

"Leave it the way it is and send it back to him." A coworker said as he walks away.

The waitress came back and grabbed the plate before walking out of the kitchen. I stood with everyone else as we watched from the window and saw her give the plate to him then walk away.

He looked down at the plate for a moment before grabbing his fork and knife, cutting into the Salmon. I saw his face made a disgust look before tossing the Salmon over and placing his fork and knife down.

"I'm about to go out and talk to him. There's nothing wrong with our food." I saw my coworker walk to the door before being stopped by the waitress.

She walks in before looking around and making eye contact with me. "He wants to talk to the cook." She says towards me.

"Alright." I said as I took my gloves off and walked out of the kitchen. I was ready for whatever this guy had to say cause I knew that there was nothing wrong with our food.

I stood in front of him and saw him look up at me, which made me give him a fake smile as I crossed my hands in front of me.

"You wanted to speak with the cook?" I ask, watching as he looked me over.

He had a more digusted look on his face that I could of slapped right off. He leans back and looks around before looking back at me. "You're the cook?" I nod. "No wonder the food is trash. They need a professional back there."

"I can guarantee that our food is the best in town."

"I beg to differ. The presentation is terrible and I'm pretty sure this Salmon is not fresh. It looks like it was frozen."

"Our food is always fresh. No frozen products."

He looks at me a little longer. "Mhm. I want to speak with your manager."

"Of course." I turned around and dropped my smile before pushing the door open to the kitchen and seeing everyone stare at me. "I'm about to lose my shit."

"What did the asshole want?" My coworker asks, coming up to me along with everyone else.

"Wants to speak with our manager."

My coworkers were not happy and a few went out there to the man, but I stared in the kitchen. I was already pissed off with him and didn't need to make a scene in front of everyone.

Our manager finally came out and talked to the guy. I heard them share a few words which were loud enough for everyone in the restuarant to hear and it made us listen also.

When he came in the kitchen, he looked around before crossing his arms. "We're going to get customers like that. Nothing is going to be good enough for them but as long as we know that we're going a good job, don't worry about them." He looks around. "Get back to work."

The man eventually left and we were all happy. I heard them talk about him for the rest of the shift, knowing that it wasn't the last time we saw that guy.

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