~Thirty One~

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"What happens once he gets out?" Layla asks.

Kane looks over at her before shaking his head. "Why do you have to bring that up?"

I shook my head as well before turning towards Ivan, seeing him eating before looking over at me. I slightly smile as he did the same before pulling me into a side hug.

We were all hanging out at our house and everyone was sitting around together, talking and having a great time.

Ethan was here along with his parents.

Ivan was also here.

It was great.

I enjoyed everyone's company.

Especially since what happened a week ago.

It still was weird for me but I didn't let it bother me or take over my mind. I knew it was over with and all I could do was push forward and forget about what happened.

We haven't heard anything from Milo or his sister. I didn't care what sentence she got, as long as she stayed in there for a while.

I filed a restraining order against her.

Now they both couldn't come near us.

Elle still asks if I'm ok almost everyday from what happened.

I keep telling her that I was ok but she could see something else.

I'd admit that I was a little messed up from that day but I don't let it get to me.

She blames herself for everything and I wish she wouldn't do that.

It's hard for me to tell her anything else when she has all this negative thoughts in her head from what happened.

She blames herself for leaving me and letting Milo control her life. She blames herself for hurting me a years ago and she blames herself for what Milo's sister did to me.

That made me feel bad, but all I could do was reassure her and pull her towards me to tell her that it's not her fault.

The mark on my shoulder was healing and it was getting better everyday. I knew that Elle contantly looked at it and made sure it was ok.

It was a loving gesture and I appreciated it more than anything.

But everything was going great now that everything bad was over with. I still have to get use to the feeling of everything now cause it's still new to me when I wake up with Elle in my arms.

It's like a dream everytime I wake up.

But I knew it was real.

Her mom talked to me one night when she came over. She said she expected something was wrong with Milo but didn't know what it was cause she never talked to Elle about it.

She said she thought I was the best for Elle cause the way I changed her.

I asked her what she meant and she said that I was the first real relationship for her that Elle seemed happy in.

Which, I already knew that cause Elle told me that when we first started dating. I was shocked cause she's a gorgeous woman, who could get anyone she wanted and it made no sense to me.

But I was glad to be her first real happiness.

Cause she was mine.

Elle and I had a very intense past together from meeting when I was only fifteen and she was thirty one at the time.

It was a little weird for me cause I never dated an older woman, especially that much older than me so everything was a little new to me.

Layla never really accepted us to begin with and it was hard for her to get use to it. I knew that Layla was younger than Elle, but not by much so it was a little weird for her as well.

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