Volume 3 - Chapter 4 - Akira vs Kiyotaka

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Akira's POV

I ran under the cover of the bushes and trees around me, hiding from any watchful eyes. Since Hashimoto had helped me escape, I hadn't once looked back at the camp.

I couldn't.

Else everything would have been for nothing.

Once I had escaped, I ran in a straight line from where I had met the tracks a few days before. I figured that if I had moved in this direction, I would eventually stumble upon another class' campsite.

That prediction came true after about twenty minutes when I spotted two unfamiliar girls walking towards a congregation of people. I inched closer, ensuring that they were unaware of my presence. Though I couldn't hide my shock at the sight that came next.

The blue-haired girl that Ryuen was with, Ibuki, and Kikyo Kushida were together seemingly in conversation. Although it looked more like Kushida was being friendly and ignored. I continued to stalk them until Ibuki was alone. That was when I started to make my move.

I picked up a small pebble and toasted it to her feet trying to lure her over to me. That was unsuccessful however thus I continued tossing small pebbles until she eventually noticed. She became curious and came over to me to investigate. However, I kept my presence hidden until the right moment.

Me: "Far from home Ibuki-San."

Without hesitation, she swung her leg at me however I caught it and swept her other leg causing her to fall to the floor with a loud "thud". I could see the anger in her face start to well up as her face became wretched. She got up swiftly and tried to run however my words stopped her.

Me: "You're a spy aren't you?"

She stopped plainly in her tracks, staring me down with an intense gaze. I chuckled slightly at her, slowly walking closer to her.

Me: "Hey, it's been a while hasn't it?"

Ibuki: "What the hell do you want?"

Her gaze remained fixed upon me however it didn't cause me to falter. I wanted to maintain control over this situation.

Me: "Did Ryuen send you here to spy too?"

Ibuki: "What?"

Me: "You were spying on my class too weren't you? Looks like you're doing better here though, you're deep in now."

Ibuki: "I don't know what you're talking about but if you want revenge for that ass beating we gave you, then it could wait until after the exam. So go away."

She once again tried to run, however this time I grabbed her by her hand and pulled her back to me. She tried to hit me with an elbow however I managed to deflect it with my knee and pushed her against a nearby tree.

Ibuki: "I'll scream if you don't let me go."

I leaned in and whispered into her ear.

Me: "Listen bitch, you, Albert, Ryuen, I could have killed you all if I wanted to, so get over yourself."

I felt her body start to shiver thus I leaned back while maintaining my grip on her.

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