Volume 1 - Chapter 8 - Basketball

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Akira's POV

The class was dismissed for the day. Eagerly, I left to go to the auditorium. Today was also club recruiting day. Currently, at the auditorium, every club in the school congregated to recruit new students. However, there was only one club on my mind. Basketball has been a pastime of mine since before I was enrolled in the white room. My father used to play together with me so I had a lot of happy memories of basketball.

My foot hadn't even fully made it out of the door before I was stopped in my tracks by Hashimoto.

Hashimoto: "Yo Kawakami-kun, you going to the auditorium?"

Akira: Ye-Yeah."

My body had jolted upon hearing Hashimoto. He was about to ask to tag along.

Hashimoto: "Wow what a coincidence, me too. Mind if I tag along?"

I felt my body start to shake and my heart thump loudly. However, I hid it with a smile.

Me: "No it's fine."

Hashimoto and I walked side by side. He started a conversation during our walk.

Hashimoto: "So, you planning on joining any clubs?"

Me: "Yeah, I'm gonna join the basketball club."

Hashimoto: "Basketball huh? Are you good?"

He started at me wide-eyed, eagerly awaiting a response.

Me: "I used to be, I stopped playing a while back."

Hashimoto: "Why did you lose passion?"

Me: Well not really, it's just that I had to quit for personal reasons."

He stopped staring and placed his hands behind his head.

Hashimoto: "I used to play too, but I played Tennis. I was pretty good at it too. But I got too good you know. I got bored and stopped playing."

Me: "What a show-off this guy."

Hashimoto: "Haha, Shut up! Hmm maybe I should join the tennis club, I might find something that's been lost."

I looked into his eyes and smiled widely at him.

Me: "Yeah! Go for it!"

I could see a red blush around his cheeks.

Hashimoto: "Haha, why'd that make you so excited?"

I looked away, rubbing the back of my head.

Me: "I guess it just felt good to swap sincere thoughts like this."

He wrapped his arm around mine and rub his cheek against mine.

Hashimoto: "Awww stop it Kawakami-kun, you might make me fall for you!"

I quickly grabbed my arm back and separated myself from him.

Me: "Sh-shut up! And stop that."

After witnessing me become frazzled and embarrassed. He laughed hysterically until we arrived at the auditorium. We parted ways shortly after.

Hashimoto: "See ya around Kawakami-kun" he said while waving goodbye.

Me: "Ye-yeah bye."

Although he made me uncomfortable at times, I felt like I could consider him a friend. After about five minutes of aimless walking found the basketball's club table and enrolled in the club.

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