Volume 3 - Chapter 1 - Firewood

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Akira's POV

One day had passed since I stood on the deck, watching the faint view of the Uninhabited Island. At this moment, however, it was finally here. I took the first step from the boat onto the island, feeling the transition from solid ground to unstable sand.

The Sakayanagi group was behind me and together we walked to the designated spot for Class A. We stood there next to Class B and waited for instructions. Eventually, Mashima-sensei alongside the other first-year teachers appeared and stood before us. They then explained the rules for this exam.

We were told to discover the leader of the other classes while surviving on the island. We were given two tents and necessities to ensure we knew he maintain a decent level of hygiene. There were also portable bathrooms and showers located throughout the island. After the explanation, he and the other teachers left and the exam had officially started.

I felt a hand on my shoulder causing me to turn around. The face I had met belonged to Shinji Matoba, extending his hand to give me something.

Matoba: "Kawakami-kun, you left your Apple on your bed. I thought you might have wanted it."

I peered down at his hand to see a bright red Apple sitting there and grabbed it from him gently.

Me: "Thank you Matoba-kun."

I placed it in my backpack and turned back to face the leaving Teachers until I heard a voice from behind me and various footsteps moving away from me.

Hashimoto: "Come on Aki, it's time to go. Class A's gonna look for a camping spot."

I nodded to him and followed them silently. Hashimoto noticed my odd behavior however and asked.

Hashimoto: "Dude what's wrong? You're not usually this gloomy. You've been like this since we got to the island."

I looked at him slightly smiling at me then looked away.

Me: "It's nothing, I'm fine. Really."

He easily saw through me however he decided to not further question me.

Hashimoto: "Fine. I won't pry. You could talk to me though if you want."

He placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled widely, oozing an aura of reassurance. I nodded to him acknowledging his kindness and we continued to walk behind Class A.

About ten minutes later, Class A stumbled upon a canyon that had a narrow entrance yet massive amounts of land behind it. Katsuragi, who was at the front turned his back towards the rest of us, projecting his voice to reach everyone's ears.

Katsuragi: "Ok everyone, let's stop here."

Everyone rested their belongings on the ground and surveyed the area. Kamuro was the first from our group to disappear as she went to the girl's area to help set up the tent. After witnessing the girls taking initiative, the boys decided that we should start preparing to camp out.

Katsuragi began by talking the supporting beams for the tent out of its packaging and inserting them within the tent's holdings. Hashimoto grabbed one of the beams and assisted Katsuragi until we all eventually got together to help them out. After about thirty minutes we were done constructing a tent that can house all of the boys. Many of the boys entered the tent and began to become comfortable however, Katsuragi and Yahiko dispersed to the entrance.

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