Volume 2 - Chapter 5 - Happiness

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Kamuro's POV

The class was dismissed for the day and we gathered around Sakayanagi's desk. Hashimoto, Kito, Sakayanagi, and I were all going to visit Kawakami today. After we were all ready, I helped her up and we all walked to the nurse's office. We were discussing the recent announcement of the special exam on the uninhabited island.

Hashimoto: "A survival exam huh? Doesn't that sound fun?"

He looked at each of us, smiling and swinging his arms. Sakayanagi was the first to reply to him with her usual smug grin.

Sakayanagi: "Fufu, Indeed it does but unfortunately, I won't be able to participate."

He placed her hand on her chest, seemingly to feel her heartbeat.

Hashimoto: "Damn, yeah. Well the rest of us will have enough fun for you alright."

He directed his attention towards Kito and me. Kito nodded back while I simply ignored him.

Hashimoto: "Do you have to be so cold Masumi?"

I sarcastically replied to him.

Me: "Yeah it's going to be a blast."

I heard a slight chuckle from Sakayanagi. She was ambling in front of us with her walking cane.

Sakayanagi: "Let's think of a strategy later okay? I can consult with Katsuragi tomorrow on what Class A should do?"

Hashimoto threw his arms behind his head and addressed Sakayanagi's proposal in a passive-aggressive manner.

Hashimoto: "You're still going to work with that guy, didn't he go to negotiate with Class C today?"

Sakayanagi was unfazed by his comments and addressed him calmly.

Sakayanagi: "I think so, but no worries. This is all a part of my plans."

I saw Hashimoto's eyebrows rise in curiosity.

Hashimoto: "What plans?"

Sakayanagi: "A test to see his true abilities. I doubt he can rival me but if he can at least surprise me then I'd allow him to continue being rep alongside me."

Hashimoto started laughing hysterically but I couldn't hold my curiosity.

Me: "Arisu are you saying you're going against Katsuragi, even at the expense of Class A?"

She stopped walking, hitting her cane against the floor with a moderate amount of force.

Sakayanagi: "That's right. I'm going to take total control of Class A even if it means I've got to take us to the ground. I'll just bring us back."

I couldn't hide the shock on my face. This girl was crazy but I didn't mind. She didn't promise a school life filled with excitement, thus this development sounds promising. I chuckled at her, anxious to see what she plans next.

Hashimoto stopped on the side of her, trying to hold back his tears.

Hashimoto: "That's my princess, never a dull moment."

She laughed at him and they continued walking together.

Kito and I walked behind them silently until we arrived at the nurse's office just ten minutes later.

Hashimoto opened the door for all of us. Once we had entered, Sakayanagi greeted the receptionist with a warm smile and then was directed to a room that was on the far left of the corridor.

Kawakami's room.

This was my first time visiting his room. I had always avoided it, dreading this moment. I didn't want to see him, lifeless and just there breathing. My heart wouldn't be able to take it. I stood behind Kito who stood next to Sakayanagi. Hashimoto was in front of all of us as he had his head on the door handle. He knocked twice and said loud enough to reach Kawakami's ears.

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