Coffee Dates

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"Did Klaus try to contact you at all whilst he was in Alaric's body?" Elijah finally asked after working up the courage for a few moments.

"I guess" River answered, "But I'm not entirely sure if it was Klaus or Alaric just being a creepy old Alaric but I think so. Why?"

"Consider it a healthy curiosity." Elijah lied as he placed down a fresh latte in front of River.

This man is a zaddy barista and I love it.

"Careful" River warned as she pulled the mug towards her, "These are getting quite addictive." 

...despite the fact I am probably going to die from the coffee jitters...

"Until I drain the world dry of caffeine I am more than happy to continue making you more." Elijah stated, his eyes flickering over to the two other empty mugs which once contained the lattes she had drunk whilst they were talking.

"Can I ask you something?" River questioned, changing the tone of what had been flirtatious icebreaking for the last few hours.

"Always." Elijah said simply as he began placing the empty mugs in the dishwasher.

"Why do you want Klaus dead?" River asked cautiously.

"I don't." Elijah answered. Noticing River's confusion, he continued, "At least not anymore."

"Then why are you still telling Elena and Co that you do?" River asked.

"The easiest way to get people to stop striving for what they want, is to make them think that they have it." Elijah stated, "If I did tell them the truth they would begin searching for another way to kill Klaus and in the unlikelihood that they do find one I will not have them kill my brother. Therefore, it is simpler for them to think I will help them than to have them continue trying to harm him." 


"Can I trust that you will not share this information with them?" Elijah questioned.

"You can compel me if it means that much to you." River deadpanned. In response, Elijah slowly walked around the table until he was standing in front of her. 




River, thinking that he was taking her offer seriously, then felt her heart begin to race in her chest as she processed how vulnerable she had just made herself.

Gently, Elijah then tilted up her jaw with two of his fingers, forcing her to meet his eyes. River swallowed her nervousness as she tried to keep her composure under the tension Elijah was applying. Taking note of her fear, Elijah made his next movements slowly.

Elijah's gaze dropped down to her lips whilst his tongue trailed over the edge of his mouth. Before he had the chance to second guess himself, Elijah then pressed his lips to hers, his free hand coming to rest around her waist as River processed what was happening.

River quickly gathered her thoughts before she straightened out her posture, allowing Elijah to pull her towards him even more with his arm which was around her waist. River then parted her legs slightly, preventing them from interfering with the moment of intimacy Elijah had created. After a moment, Elijah quickly moved to press a series of kisses along her jaw, allowing River to catch her breath. 

Once River's breathing calmed, Elijah returned his lips to hers, desperate to replicate the feelings she was making him feel. As River and Elijah continued embrace the pleasure they were experiencing, River moved one of her hands to cup the back of his neck, the other coming to rest on his chest. When River next pulled back for air, Elijah rested his forehead on hers whilst they both calmed down.

That was kinda magical not gonna lie.

"So you're not going to compel me-"


"Welcome back" Elijah said as Elena re-entered the mansion.

"Tell me" Elena started as she took off her jacket and dropped it to the floor, "What is Klaus' curse?"

That was aggressive.

"Please" Elijah said, gesturing to couch in the room as he ignored Elena's actions, "You know, my family was quite close. But Klaus and my father did not get on well. When we became vampires we discovered the truth. Klaus was not my father's son."

affair baby.

"My mother had been unfaithful many years before. This was her darkest secret. Klaus was from a different bloodline. Of course when my father discovered this he hunted down and he killed my mother's lover and his entire family. Not realizing of of course, that he was igniting a war between species that rages until this day."

"A war between the species?" Elena questioned, not following.

"The vampires" Elijah began, "and the werewolves."

"So Klaus' real father was from a werewolf bloodline?" Elena clarified. When Elijah did not reject her theory, she continued, "So what does that make Klaus, a werewolf, or a vampire?"

"He's both." River pieced together.

"Precisely." Elijah praised. "A hybrid would be deadlier than any werewolf or vampire. Nature would not stand for such an imbalance. Therefore the witches, as the servants of nature, made sure that my brother's werewolf side would remain dormant."

"That's the curse that Klaus wants to break?" Elena questioned.

"He wants to trigger that part of him that is a werewolf. If allowed, Klaus would sire his own bloodline. He would build his own race, endangering not just vampires but everyone." Elijah continued.

"But you helped him." Elena countered.

"I helped him because I loved him. That has changed now. He must die." Elijah lied.

"We have the dagger now. We can stop him." Elena said.

"When a werewolf is wounded by silver it heals. An original can't be killed by anything other than white oak ash on a silver dagger." Elijah explained, "See the conundrum? The dagger doesn't work."

"What are you saying?" Elena began, "That Klaus can't be killed?"

"There's one way to kill any supernatural species. At the hands of the servants of nature themselves." Elijah continued.

"A witch." Elena pieced together, "If they can channel that much power, but it would kill them."

"The curse must be broken during the full moon when Klaus is in transition, that's when he'll be most vulnerable. A witch with enough power can kill Klaus."

"What if I told you that I knew a witch who could channel that much power?" Elena asked.


"Then I would tell you there is one more thing that you should know." Elijah began.

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