R- R- Rachel...

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oh fuck

"Damon." River cursed under her breath, swiftly rolling off of Rebekah and pulling her shirt back over her head.

"Damon?" Rebekah questioned in a hushed tone as she turned towards River and away from Damon who was currently approaching them.

"What are you doing here?" River asked breathlessly as she paused the song currently playing whilst Damon came up to them.

"I was testing if this would be a good spot for a date with Andy but it seems you two beat me to it." Damon lied, gesturing to the picnic Rebekah and River had had. "I would ask what you two were doing here but that seems quite obvious."

oh right, I haven't told he he's mated to Elena yet...

I should probably get onto that-

"We were just," River trailed off. "Enjoying the scenery."

"Some scenery." Damon muttered, his eyes flickering down to River's now clothed chest. "But the daisies I'm going to assume were you're idea."

"Hers." River corrected, gesturing to Rebekah.

"And so I see you are quite the romantic-" Damon cut himself off, waiting for Rebekah to give her name.

"I'm R-" Rebekah started before she was cut off.

"Rachel." River blurted out.

"Rachel?" Rebekah and Damon questioned at the same time.

"Rachel." River confirmed, now committing to her lie as she didn't want to risk Damon possibly recognising Rebekah as Klaus' sibling. Damon couldn't help but look between 'Rachel' and River like they were both crazy.

"I'm going to leave you and Rachel alone now so you two can keep enjoying the scenery." Damon deadpanned after a moment before walking off, reflecting on possibly the most strange interaction he had had in a while, but then again, that's River for you.

"Rachel was hardly the name you were just moaning." Rebekah stated, clearly offended, once Damon was out of earshot.

"I know." River groaned before she collapsed back to the picnic blanket out of shame from the conversation they had just had.


"Have you noticed anything strange going on with River recently?" Damon asked Elena as he paced the length of the kitchen in the Salvatore mansion.

"No I haven't talked to her in a while actually but I know she was at her grandparents last weekend." Elena answered as she pulled her knees into her chest more. "Why? Do you think something is wrong?"

"Oh it's nothing." Damon deadpanned.

"Damon." Elena urged.

"I just caught her half-naked and making out with some blonde bombshell today I thought it was weird I hadn't heard anything about this girl who she has apparently been talking to long enough for her to know River's favourite flower." Damon rambled.

"She was doing what?" Elena snapped.

"That was the part of that sentence you were concerned about?" Damon questioned, "Why would she have not told either of us about this girl?" Elena stumbled over her next words but was cut off as Stefan entered the room.

"It's done." Stefan said simply.

"You got the coffin open?" Damon asked hopefully.

"Got the coffin open and woke Esther." Stefan added.

"That's Mommy Originals name?" Damon questioned, "Esther?"

"Apparently." Stefan said.

"Well what now?" Elena asked as she stood from the couch she was previously on.

"She said she was willingly to help us but there was something else she needed to do first." Stefan explained.

"Which was?" Damon prompted.

"She said she needed to bring someone else back and needed the help of the Bennetts." Stefan stated.

"And you weren't at all concerned by this?" Damon deadpanned.

"Damon she is our only shot at killing Klaus if she wants to bring someone else back to life it is more than likely to help with that." Stefan reasoned.

"Let's just hope you're right, little brother." Damon said, "Because if you are not, then we most definitely just released hell on Earth."


"You're pretty." River thought out loud.

"I feel like I'm meant to feel emasculated by that." Klaus analysed as he opened his eyes to see River who was currently laying on his chest, looking up at him.

"It's the 21st century, suck it up." River mocked earning her a playful eyeroll from Nik before he closed his eyes again.  

After a moment, River's gaze fell to the top of Nik's chest before she began to draw small shapes on the clothed area. Nik hummed at the sensation, his arm which was around her waist pulling River closer to him subconsciously. 

"Was that a cactus?" Nik questioned randomly, his eyes still closed.

"Shh." River hushed, "You're not meant to recognise when I draw actual objects."

"Got it." Nik uttered before returning to his docile state.


River had to muffle the whimper threatening to escape her lips against Nik's shoulder as he pulled the skin around her sweet spot between his teeth harshly. As one of Nik's hands was already under River's shirt, exploring the new contact, his freehand pushed past the waistband of River's pants before he began to faintly trace the seam of River's underwear.

When Nik then tried to reach past the seam of River's underwear, River instantly jerked away.

"Nope." River said as she rolled out from underneath Nik.

"What?" Nik asked cluelessly as he pulled her back towards him, both of his hands now on her hips.

"Nope." River repeated simply. Nik stumbled over his next words as he tried to figure out what he was meant to say before the realisation of deja vu hit him.

"You're kidding?" Nik questioned, the new understanding overtaking his expression.

"Not in the slightest." River clarified.

"But I thought it was just for activating the bond that you were making me wait until all of my siblings had done it with you?" Nik asked.

"Nope." River stated again.

"I get the whole 'saving the best for last' thing but-" Nik tried before he was cut off.

"Nik." River warned.

"Why?" Nik whined, drawing out the 'y'.

"You know why." River answered as she cupped the side of Nik's face.

"Fine." Nik muttered, clearly still irritated as River stood up off of his bed.


"Can we still make out though?" Nik blurted out, using his best puppy-dog eyes to try and convince River.

"Absolutely." River answered before she pounced back on top of him.

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