Two Favourite Golden Retrievers

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"Come on." River encouraged as she retrieved her dog's leash. Once River gathered the few items she needed to walk her dog, she headed towards the front door, coaxing Harley to follow her. Harley however kept her distance, appearing on edge as River approached the door.

River then proceeded to open the front door, her freehand slipping her house keys into her pocket as she did. 

"Hi" River said although it sounded more like a question than a greeting as she recognised the figure standing on the opposing side of the door.

"I'm sorry." Kol blurted out. "I promise I was about to knock."

"How did you know where I lived?" River asked, trying to piece together what was happening.

"It's a small town." Kol explained, "I asked the first person I saw."

"Also known as Nik." River figured out quickly.

"Yeah." Kol admitted guiltily, not wanting to openly depend on his siblings for his relationship with his mate.

"Well I was actually planning on coming over and seeing you in a couple of hours." River added as she recalled how she had distributed her time to spend an equal amount with each of the siblings.

"Really?" Kol questioned hopefully.

"Yeah but I was actually just about to go out." River said, feeling Harley's nose coming to nudge her knee so that they could leave sooner.

"Oh." Kol muttered, not knowing how to handle what his inner vampire interpreted as rejection,

"Actually, do you want to come with me?" River asked, realising that they had unintentionally made the perfect low-stakes first date.

"Yes" Kol blurted out, slightly louder than he intended to. 


"Where are we going?" Kol asked excitedly as he stepped back so that River could exit the home.

"Funny story." River started before she opened her door further to reveal a leashed up Harley who appeared to be more than prepared to run laps around her front yard at the speed of knots for the next 30 - 45 minutes. "We are going to walk around aimlessly for the next hour or so until she gets tired."

"Perfect" Kol praised, appearing genuinely excited.


"That's enough about me." Kol blurted out anxiously as he slipped his hands into his back pockets nervously. 

"Kol you said one thing which wasn't a question about me or a sex joke." River started, "I think we can talk about you some more."

"But I want to know about you." Kol whined. River smiled at his words before she took Kol's hand which was closest to her out of his pocket before encouraging him to put his hand in her back pocket.

Kol quickly followed her guide, his hand slipping into her back pocket before he gently tilted her hips more towards him as they continued to walk.

"You know I am certainly not complaining" Kol began after a moment, "But is there a specific reason my hand is in your back pocket because if you wanted to feel my hand on your ass, all you had to do was ask." 

"16 Candles" River explained, ignoring the second part of Kol's comment, "It's the opening scene. It's a couples' thing."

"Is that a porno-" Kol started.

"KOL." River scolded as she tried to slip out of Kol's reach so that his hand was no longer in her back pocket.

"I'm just saying." Kol muttered as he pulled her back towards him, never letting her get out of his hold.

"You're going to drive me crazy." River mumbled.

"In the best way possible." Kol added.

"I think you're right."


"I am not picking that up." River decided as she held out the bag to Kol.

"Neither am I." Kol countered, crossing his arms to show that he wasn't going to take the bag from her.

"Come on, please." River pleaded. "You were alive when chivalry was a thing. You even told me you were knight at one point."

"Firstly, I don't think picking up dog poop fits into the whole concept of respecting women which chivalry stood for. Secondly, I became a knight because I lost a bet with Nikki, not because I wanted to." Kol explained.

"But it smells so bad." River whined as she looked over to Harley who was looking up at them innocently despite having just nasally poisoned Kol and River.

"Imagine it with the heightened sense of smell of an Original vampire." Kol added. When River made no movement to remove the faeces, Kol spoke up again. "What would you do normally?" He asked.

"Pay my sister to pick it up." River admitted guiltily. "But she's not exactly here right now."

"I vote we leave it." Kol stated simply.

"We are not leaving it." River countered.

"Fine." Kol sighed after pausing for a moment. "Give me the bag." He said reluctantly after a moment.

"My hero."


"I expect you to pay me for picking up that shit by the way." Kol said as they stepped onto River's porch.

"What would you like your method of payment to be considering you can compel yourself a fuck-ton of money and get away with it?" River asked. Kol let out a hum as he pretended to contemplate her question, one of his arms wrapping around her waist causing her to turn to him.

"What payment method would you suggest?" Kol flirted as he rested his arms around her hips.

"I can think of one alternate method of payment." River stated after pretending to ponder possible options for a moment.

"And that would be?" Kol prompted as River rested her arms around his neck. Instead of saying her suggestion, River tilted her jaw up before brushing her lips against Kol's, testing the waters. Kol responded quickly, tightening one of his arms around her waist while he pressed his lips to hers. 

Is it weird that I've kissed 2/5 of my soulmates here?

technically 3/5...

almost 4/5...


As River relaxed into Kol's hold, Kol quickly deepened the kiss as he strengthened his hold around her waist again. After a moment, River pulled away slightly, desperately needing to catch her breath. When River tried to lower her head, Kol raised her jaw with two fingers, forcing her to meet his eyes before he gently pecked her lips.


"Oh fuck." River muttered as she caught a glimpse of an all too familiar car in her peripheral vision driving down her street.

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