Did Someone Say Masquerade Ball?

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"Well don't you look stunning." Damon complimented. 

"Not too bad yourself, Salvatore." River mocked as Damon approached her.

"I guess that extra 20 minutes paid off." Damon said. "Any signs of your girlfriend yet?" Damon asked. River huffed at his words. Damon knew that her and Katherine weren't officially together but that didn't stop him from pretending they were.

"Nope" River muttered, popping the 'p'. 

"Oh would you look at that." Damon trailed off, his eyes focussing on something behind River, "You spoke too soon." River narrowed her eyes at Damon before turning to see Katherine entering the Lockwood mansion with a woman by her side. Damon faked his surprise by gasping before he continued speaking. "She even came with another girl." Damon said, clearly feigning shock, "How dare she?" 

"You say that like Elena wouldn't be here with Stefan if you two weren't acting like oversized guard dogs." River uttered as she turned back to face Damon.

"You keep mentioning Elena like I care about her." Damon said causing River to scoff.

"Sorry I forgot." River started, "Damon Salvatore doesn't care about anyone but himself." River then proceeded to walk into another room in search of something to drink, preventing Damon from having the opportunity to disprove her statement.


"Found her yet?" River asked, causing Stefan to flinch. "Stefan I have been standing here for the last ten minutes and you have supernatural senses, how did that scare you?"

"I'm just on edge." Stefan muttered, his eyes still scanning over the crowd in search of Katherine. 

"I'm going to assume that means you don't know where Katherine is." River concluded.

"Only that she is somewhere at this party." Stefan said as his gaze followed someone who looked similar to Katherine from behind.

"Seems like she is pretty good at hiding." Katherine said as she appeared next to them. "I hope you don't mind if I cut in, Stefan." Katherine continued as she offered River her hand. "Dance with me." She requested. 

River fought the urge to run her tongue over her lower lip as she accepted Katherine's proposal and linked their arms as they moved away from Stefan. 

"You look gorgeous, if you didn't already know." Katherine complimented as she rested her hands on River's waist causing River to then rest her arms around Katherine's neck. "This night would be so much more fun if there wasn't a group of people trying to kill me." She continued, a smirk overtaking her lips as she brushed her fingers over the bare skin of River's exposed back causing River's stance to falter slightly.

"Speaking of" River said, trying to distract herself, "Have you figured out what they are planning yet?" 

"Don't worry about them." Katherine reassured. "I can think of much better thoughts that should currently be filling that beautiful mind of yours." Katherine continued as she pulled River closer to her resulting in River having to divert her eyes from Katherine's in order to keep her control over her own thoughts. A light chuckle of amusement escaped Katherine's lips at River's response. 

Katherine then lowered one of her hands and began to trail her fingers along the inside of River's thigh causing River to gently rub her thighs together in an attempt to shake off Katherine's advances.

"Once you walk away from this alive and don't kill any of my friends." River promised causing Katherine to pout at her words.

"Not even a kiss." Katherine teased.

"Wouldn't want to ruin your lipstick." River mocked. "At least not yet." She whispered below Katherine's ear before she pulled away.

"I will be back." Katherine stated as her eyes focussed on something behind River. River then turned to see Caroline moving towards one of the more isolated parts of the Lockwood mansion. 

In response, River moved her eyes back to Katherine's before she slipped out of Katherine's arms and lowered her eyes to the floor.

"Don't worry, Beautiful." Katherine said. She then brushed back some of River's hair and pressed to her lips to River's collarbone, knowing it would leave a stain. "It'll be okay." She reassured again before walking off to follow Caroline. 

Famous last words...


After walking around aimlessly in an attempt to pass the time, River's movements were stilled as she heard pained cries nearby. River then followed the sounds until she was met with Jeremy, Bonnie, and a very clearly injured Elena. 

"What is happening?" Jeremy asked as River rushed to help. Quickly picking up on the wounds which Elena had, River realised that they weren't being directly inflicted on Elena. She then saw a new wound forming on Elena's back near her heart.



Stake to the heart



"She's linked to Katherine." River blurted out.

"What?" Jeremy questioned.

"If Katherine dies, Elena dies too." River pieced together, "Stop them." Jeremy then ran off into the mansion in an attempt to stop the Salvatores before they killed Katherine and Elena.

"There's another witch here." Bonnie muttered.

"We don't know that for sure." River said as she tried to apply pressure to Elena's wounds.

"No, I met her earlier." Bonnie mumbled before she got up and ran to find her, leaving River alone with Elena.

What just happened?


After almost an hour, Bonnie and Lucy undid the linking spell between Katherine and Elena. Lucy also did a spell to speed up Katherine's desiccation, allowing Damon enough time to put her in the tomb. Currently, River is waiting for Stefan and Elena to stop their heart-to-heart session so that Elena can drive River back to Elena's house where she was meant to be spending the night.

"Are you ready to go?" Elena asked, snapping River from her thoughts.

"Yeah" River whispered, unable to meet Elena's eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry about Katherine really-" Elena started before River quickly cut her off.

"It's fine, Elena. Honestly." River said, finally meeting her eyes, "I told Katherine to leave multiple times and she didn't. She chose to let this happen."

"That doesn't mean it hurts any less." Elena tried as they began to walk towards her car. 

"Based on the fact that we weren't even officially together and I don't love her, I'm pretty sure it'll be okay." River said.

"Hey if it means anything," Elena started, trying to lighten the mood, "I think she cared about you a lot more than she let on and that's not exactly something Katherine Pierce does." River let out a breathy laugh at Elena's words, knowing that she was just trying to make her feel better.

"Are you feeling any better after the attempted murder and all?" River asked as she turned to face Elena, gesturing faintly to where the wound on Elena's back had been.

"Yeah, Bonnie's spell actually worked really well-" Elena explained before she cut herself off, "River- watch out." Elena blurted out as a pair of arms wrapped around River's body, one hand over her mouth to stop her from screaming, the other around her body, stopping her from struggling in her attacker's arms.

Ah shit.

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