So Don't

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"Finn, what are you doing?" River asked as she tried to turn her head to question Finn. Finn merely hummed in response before playfully nipping at her neck again with his teeth.


Finn is hardly the PDA addict of the Mikaelson family...


"Are you not speaking anymore?" River questioned when Finn didn't say anything. Finn hummed yet again in confirmation as he nuzzled against her throat. "Have you just given into your inner vampire?" River deadpanned, not knowing that the inner vampire was an actual thing, "And now you're all caveman and primal and shit?"

Finn let out a playful growl at her words before tracing the details of her collarbone with his kisses.

"Okay I am perfectly fine with you embracing your exceptionally affectionate alter ego but can we not experiment with it in the kitchen where we eat-" River started. Before she could even finish her sentence, Finn didn't hesitate to speed both her and himself to his room.


"Now he listens to me." River muttered, mainly to herself as Finn put her down on his bed before crawling on top of her.

"Oh I've been listening to you." Finn corrected. "I've been listening to how your heartbeat jumps when I kiss you here." Finn added as he kissed her sweet spot before sucking on the skin slightly. "How your breathing quickens when I touch you here." Finn continued as he traced the seam of River's pants which happened to be low waisted.



"And how when I pull you closer you become even more-" Finn started, before he was cut off.

"Yep got it." River confirmed.

There is no need for this man to bring up how easily he can turn me on.

Finn let out a soft chuckle at her reaction before he kissed down her neck. One of Finn's hands then began to trail up River's chest, revealing more of her skin to the cool air around them causing her breath to get caught in her throat.

River then arched her back, allowing Finn to take off her shirt before he threw it to some part of his room. As Finn's gaze then returned to her, flickering down to her chest momentarily, his expression fell. quite the reaction I usually receive...

Hesitantly, Finn then ran his hand up her chest. 

Something is wrong.

Suddenly, Finn then got up off the bed, his mind racing as he turned away from River.

"Finn." River tried as she stood up behind him.

"I can't." Finn denied, running his hand down his face before he began trying to walk over to the door.

"Finn, talk to me." River stated as she grabbed his arm, trying to stop him from leaving.

"I can't." Finn repeated as he turned back towards her, his eyes unable to meet hers.

"What's wrong?" River asked cautiously as she gently cupped the side of his face. Finn grimaced before trying to back away. "Finn." River persisted causing him to let out a shuddered breath. 

"You know how I have issues with controlling myself around blood and controlling all of the other vampire qualities. " Finn rambled.

"Yeah." River confirmed, her free hand coming up to rest on his chest as she stepped closer to him, having noticed that her being near a Mikaelson, tended to calm them down.

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