Quite Alright Indeed

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She was not kidding... this place is fucking massive.

River took a moment to estimate how much she could sell the Mikaelson Mansion for on the black market once she got out of her car. After deciding that she was in fact too scared to ever sell anything on the black market, River dismissed her trail of thought and began walking towards the front door of the mansion.

When no one answered after River rang the doorbell, she began thinking over if she had made the right decision showing up to a random house which she was only moderately convinced homed the five originals who she was supposedly destined to spend the rest of their immortal lives with.

Now that I think about it-

"River?" A voice questioned from behind her. When River turned around, she quickly recognised the figure.

"Finn." River recalled from Elijah's brief introduction when they were waiting for his siblings to wake up, relieved that she hadn't show up at some random mansion.

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he continued walking towards her.

"I was just coming over to see you and your siblings." River answered, just now realising how little she knew about Finn.

"Well they are still out at the moment but as I decided to come home early, you are more than welcome to come inside." Finn stated as he unlocked the front door.

"Oh it's completely okay, I don't want to- inconvenience you or anything." River rambled awkwardly, her gaze moving around as she tried to excuse herself from whatever she was trying to say.

"River." Finn said calmly, "I want you to stay."

yes zaddy- I mean no-

"If you aren't planning to do anything else today," Finn continued, as he entered the house, "Please come in." He invited. Still trying to recover from her awkward ramble, River silently followed Finn into the home. "Would you like anything drink?" Finn asked as River followed him into the kitchen.

"Could I get like a glass of water?" River asked, knowing how she usually took long sips of water to avoid inevitable awkward pauses when she usually interacted with new people.

"Of course." Finn said, his mind working to recall the modern day equivalent which Elijah had taught him about. River, noticing his short hesitation before he grabbed one of the glasses, began trying to piece together Finn's hesitance.

"Can I ask you something?" River asked as Finn placed the glass which was now full of water on the kitchen island next to River.

"Always." Finn confirmed.

"It's kind of personal." River added, trying to prepare him and herself for him having a negative reaction to his time when he was daggered. When Finn showed no signs of backing down from her question, River continued, "When were you daggered?"

"Elijah said Niklaus daggered me around 900 years ago." Finn said far too nonchalant for River's comfort.





"Wait" River started, "Klaus daggered you?"

"Yes." Finn stated simply.


"And you're okay with that?" River questioned.

"Somewhat." Finn answered.

"How?" River asked, trying to piece together what she was missing.

"Well if Niklaus hadn't daggered me I would have had to spend 900 years waiting to meet you but instead I was simply undaggered once Elijah and Niklaus had found you." Finn said, "I suppose I would have rather been the one to meet you first but I don't believe I could have handled the 900 years of waiting so for that I am grateful for the way things worked out."

I- uh- I- damn-

River, still trying to process how Klaus daggered three of his siblings for who knows how long, paused for a moment.

"How have you adapted to 21st century so quickly?" River questioned, deciding to ignore all of the actually important and relevant questions she could have asked in that moment.

"I simply haven't." Finn said. "Just this morning, Niklaus and Elijah took Rebekah, Kol, and I to the Mystic Grill, and to say that was difficult would be quite the understatement. That's why I left so soon whilst the rest of them stayed. It tends to be more overwhelming for me after missing such a significant portion of history." Finn explained.

"Do you want me to help you?" River proposed, possibly the best and worst idea coming to mind.

"With what?" Finn asked.

"The 21st century."


"So why are they famous?" Finn asked as he tried to process the TV show River was showing him.

"Because they're hot." River stated simply as she adjusted the blanket covering their bodies.

"Hot?" Finn questioned, not understanding the context River was using the term in.

"Attractive." River clarified, simplifying the term to the general meaning.

"But then why aren't you famous?" Finn asked.

"Because my mother is no Kris Jenner." River explained.

"Kris who?" Finn questioned cluelessly.

"Never mind." River said.


"So who is your favourite?" River asked as they finished another episode.

"Kim." Finn decided.

"Interesting choice." River said, "Why did you chose her?"

"She was the only one I could remember the name of." Finn explained.

"Why her?" River asked.

"Because you said she was important." Finn said.

he's so cute...

have my children- I MEAN NO-

"You are too cute." River muttered as she re-positioned herself so that more of her body was being reached by Finn's supernatural warmth. Finn hummed in appreciation as he pulled her onto his chest even more with his arm which was holding her around the waist.


River let out a soft groan as she stirred from her nap.

"It's okay." Finn reassured softly as he gently ran his hand through her hair, "You can go back to sleep." River, whose mind was still somewhat blinded by sleep, was further awoken when she heard that the TV was still on.

"Are you seriously still watching that?" River asked lazily as she began to sit up off Finn's chest.

"It's entertaining." Finn admitted guilty. After realising how much more comfortable laying on Finn was than sitting up, River returned to laying on his chest.

"Why aren't the rest of your siblings back yet?" River questioned.

"They're probably just busy having a lot more fun without me." Finn uttered as he tested out where he preferred to rest his arms around her.

"Why do you think that?" River asked as she propped her chin up on Finn's chest.

"That's not what I think." Finn explained, "It's what they think. The reason that Niklaus daggered me was because he thought I was a bore."

"Well I happen to think you're quite alright." River reassured.

"But when Kol and-" Before Finn could continue his objection, River pressed her lips to his, quickly distracting Finn from his negative chain of thought.

Like I said,

quite alright.


actually quite a lot better than just alr-

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