Come With Me

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"Long time no see, brother." Henrik taunted, narrowing his eyes at Niklaus slightly. "I'm surprised you recognised me in this alteration of my body. Seeing as I have been watching over all of you for the last millennium, it didn't seem right being stuck in the same child-like body." Henrik continued to explain whilst Nik just stared at him blankly, his mind still trying to catch up with everything that had just happened. "So," Henrik started, "Are you going to invite me in or am I just going to keep standing out here whilst the rest of our siblings listen in?"

"You're a vampire." Nik pieced together.

"No." Henrik corrected, "I don't actually need you to invite me in I just figured it was a sign of good manners since we clearly have a lot to discuss. So what do you say?"


"Can you carry me?" River requested.

"Mhm." Kol hummed as he pulled River from the passenger seat of his car, encouraging her to stand before he quite literally threw her over his shoulder so that her body was hanging limply.

"This is not what I meant." River complained whilst Kol closed the car door.

"I know." Kol confirmed, tightening his hold around her hips which were resting on his shoulder. When River tried to wriggle under his arm, Kol simply delivered light slap to her butt causing River to whine.

"This is not fair." River huffed, her body relaxing as she gave into Kol's dominance.

"I know." Kol repeated with a smile before placing her down on the doorstep so that he could unlock the door. Once the door was open and River began to enter the home, she was stopped almost instantaneously.

"Angel." Rebekah greeted, pulling River into a hug. River quickly accepted the affection, taken slightly by surprise but none the less pulling herself as close to Rebekah as possible. "I missed you." Rebekah cooed, gently running her hand down River's back.

Kol then cleared his throat dramatically. This merely encouraged Rebekah as she the pulled away just enough to kiss River's lips. Once River began to deepen their kiss, Rebekah pulled away suddenly.

"You know what?" Rebekah questioned after a moment.

"What?" Kol deadpanned, narrowing his eyes at Rebekah venomously.

"It is such a beautiful day out that I don't think we should being going inside just yet." Rebekah lied.

"It's about to rain-" River started.

"Nonsense." Rebekah lied, her gaze flickering down from the clouds which appeared to have come directly from the opening scene in a horror movie.

"Okay." River agreed, clearly skeptical of what was going on. Kol however, was less able to be persuaded.

"Why can't I go in through the front door?" Kol challenged, narrowing his eyes.

"You can." Rebekah corrected.

"So why can't River?" Kol asked causing River's head to perk up.

Hold up...

He's onto something here.

Rebekah, who looked like she was going to snap, then spoke again.

"For fuck's sake, Kol. You have supernatural hearing please do use it on occasion." Rebekah uttered.

Sedatephobia: Mikaelson's SoulmateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz