Hole in One

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"How long does it usually take her to get ready for a date?" Kol whisper-shouted to Delilah, knowing that River was in the room opposite them in the hallway and not wanting her to overhear.

"Forever." Delilah whined, "And she never even lets me help her."

"How dare she?" Kol mocked, feigning insult for Delilah's amusement.

"You two do realise my door is open and I can hear everything you are saying, right?" River questioned from her room where she was currently getting ready for the date Kol had decided to surprise her with this afternoon.

"Does that mean you're ready?" Kol asked excitedly.

"Give me five minutes." River stated as she began to put on the shoes she had decided to wear.

"Fine." Kol huffed playfully before returning his attention to Delilah. 


"Five minutes she said." Kol mocked quietly to Delilah, "More like five minutes and 13 seconds."

"I doubt those 13 seconds matter in the grand scheme of things." River said as she finally left her room. "Besides I'm ready now." River continued before stopping in the doorway of Delilah's room and seeing Kol playing with Delilah on the floor.

I think my uterus just impregnated itself..

"Finally." Kol muttered to himself as he stood up before quickly picking up Delilah with him.

"I wasn't done." Delilah whined as she reached down for the toy which was previously in her hand whilst Kol rested her on his hip, his arm supporting her back.

"I don't care." Kol stated quickly before pressing a kiss to Delilah's forehead, cutting her off. "Damn." Kol mumbled as he finally looked a River. "You look-." Kol began before he was cut off.

"That's my sister you asshole, don't say anything perverted." Delilah snapped as she tried to wriggle out of his hold to get the toy.

"I was going to say beautiful." Kol clarified before walking over to River.

"I'm sure you were." River teased before pressing her lips to his. Kol let out a pleased hum as he responded. Once the gagging sounds Delilah was producing grew too uncomfortable, River pulled away. Instead of acknowledging Delilah's behaviour, Kol decided he found much more entertainment in provoking her.

"I was actually going to say-" Kol trailed off quietly below River's ear, just loud enough for Delilah to hear.

"Please put me down." Delilah pleaded as she wriggled under Kol's hold. River then stepped back, finding joy in how Kol liked to torment her little sister as well. 

"But that takes the fun out of it, Lilah." Kol taunted as he turned to Delilah.

Have my children.


I mean what?


He'd be a great dad though...

Hypothetically of course.

"River." Kol said, bringing her from her thoughts which she had appeared to be lost in for a moment. "Are you okay?" He asked as she snapped her eyes back to his.

"Yeah." River answered without speaking, heat rushing to her cheeks as she realised how she had gotten so distracted.

"Okay." Kol uttered quietly, his mind already piecing together her reaction. Before either of them could continue, the doorbell rang, drawing them from their conversation.

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