Alex went into a fit of thinking trying to figure out what could have made her so mad to slam the door shut. But it all faded when she mentioned Amy was coming.

Truth be told he had taken a liking for Amy since her first appearance, but Alex tried his best to block any feelings he felt for Amy cause he promised himself he'd change when he met Alia,

The love of his life.

His pregnant Wife.

"babes what's wrong?" Alia's voice disturbs him from his thoughts, as she walks to his side,

"nothing darling. how are you feeling? do you want to go and sleep, dad made a special room downstairs so you don't need to climb upstairs" Alex's hand falls to her stomach as he gently rubs it feeling a kick from his baby boy, his smiles wide looking at Alia who returns it,

"he's really active like his father" she jokes looking down at her 7 months old grown belly, "I think I'll sleep a bit before your dad comes home" she says with Alex immediately showing her to the room in the corner made just for her and her needs.


"Hey Alex! have you seen kait?" Amy's voice catches Alex's attention when he springs out of his seated position with a bright smile,

"She's upstairs in her room. but I wouldn't bother going though. she's locked herself inside" Alex says when he noticed Amy's expression dropping,

Just when Alex was about to speak again Antonio walked inside making him holt on his words,

"estoy hambriento, where's Kaitlyn and Alia?" _I'm starving_ he asks noticing the two women missing,

"Alia's sleeping for some time and Kaitlyn's in her room locked up" Alex announces leaving the living room and going to the room belonging to her sleeping wife.

Everyone sat in their seats while the head of the table was empty, Antonio sat on one side and the other is meant for Kaitlyn, he waited patiently for her but something was taking her so long.

After waiting for so long they hear her door opening. Antonio let's out a breath cause his stomach wouldn't let him be from starvation.

"sorry for the delay. I was cleaning myself up" Kaitlyn says taking her seat, her eyes darted to the woman who sat with her fingers entwined with Alex, Antonio noticing it introduce her,

"Hija I want you to meet Alia. Alex's -"

"Wife" the father daughter duo says together, Kaitlyn's eyes light up with a small warm smile,

"nice to meet you Alia, and congrats on the baby" she cheers to Alia,

"thank you" Alia replies back with a smile of her own.

Small topics were picked during Lunch but soon it too turned to a bicker amongst the two siblings, specially when Antonio mentioned the sports day Kaitlyn and Alex took part as individual players,

In the end of it Alex was called the cheater and Kaitlyn the winner or so she thought, cause Alex thinks Kaitlyn bribed the judge to win.

Even when Kaitlyn was 13 she had a few tricks to get what she wanted, specially from all the boys in her school.

"now that it's finally quite-" Antonio stares at Alex and Kaitlyn "Kaitlyn and Amy I want you girls to pack your bags for 1 week, take everything you need" Antonio looked at the confused pair emphasizing on the 'everything' which means if they are on their period or will be getting it to pack the essentials,

"where are we going?" Amy and Kaitlyn ask in union while Alex sat wondering where he stands in this journey,

"we'll be taking a small trip to see Jenny and Jennifer" he says smiling when Kaitlyn jumps up with excitement,

Jenny Evans is Kaitlyn's Aunt from her mother's side, and Jennifer is her cousin -Jenny's daughter-. Jenny visited Kaitlyn very rarely, the last time she saw Jenny was when she had attended which was when she was 15,

"we're going to England!" Kaitlyn says with so much hype inside of her, Amy's confusion is cleared and a bright smile replaces it, the two grown women screamed with joy in union, at this point the two woman looked like two kids going to Hamleys toy store.

"we'll leave after dinner. Alex you can take over till I'm gone, Jack will be here as well but don't do anything stupid" Antonio points his finger at Alex warning him,

"like I would" he scoffs as a reply,

"did you forget the last time I left you in-charge you almost started war with Russia's largest Mafia, I had to bargain with them to save your ass" Antonio scolds making Alex shut up and stay quietly in his chair.


Kaitlyn packed the last of her things getting Amy to sit on top of her suitcase so she could zip it up after that they both went to Amy's room to pack a few more things cause all the things Kaitlyn wanted to take never fitted in her suitcase.

"Santa cristo! did you pack all of Mexico Kait" Alex shouts seeing Kaitlyn pull her bag with a lot of effort. Kaitlyn sneers at her brother and snaps towards the man near the door to get her bag for her cause she wasn't getting anywhere without a slip disk,

She was about to go back and help Amy with her suitcase cause it was much heavier than hers; but when she turned around she found Alex run to Amy's side and getting the bag for her. Kaitlyn could only cross her hands and watch with disbelief,

Even in marriage he still falls for other.

The fact that Amy was blushing red could not go unnoticed by Kaitlyn while Kaitlyn frowned even deeper.

Kaitlyn and Amy got into the SUV since Antonio was already at the airport waiting for them, Kaitlyn couldn't stop looking at Amy as she watches her bestie in disbelief,

Amy looks out the window giving out a small giggle when she thinks about how generous Alex was to her, she _Amy_ couldn't possibly imagine how he could be so cruel to Kaitlyn and yet be a gentlemen to her _Amy_

Kaitlyn was worried to the brim; she doesn't envy Amy or any sort, but she knows her brother would break Amy one day, and given that he's already married does not make her settle.

End Of Chapter


2 love stories in one!

you guys hit the jack pot

Mikiela W.

His OnlyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon