Chapter 8

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Ricardo didn't come home that night, and for some reason Klaire felt,


she didn't understand why, she didn't go to sleep until she heard the front door opening, she didn't want to go either thinking if it's some robber coming to kill her, she stayed in bed the whole night, sleeping on and off, even the slightest thing work her.

she woke up in the morning feeling extremely sleepy, she was exhausted that she didn't even want to go to sleep, she called Amy and told her another lie and skipped,

poor Amy kept blaming herself for Klaire's sadness, but only if she knew.

waking up at half past 12 Klaire grabs brunch and just so happened to run into Emily, who was craving for some ice cream, the two talked for sometime until Klaire looked at the time,

"where is Ricardo?" Klaire asked putting her dishes away,

"he hasn't woken up yet. I'm guessing in his room" Emily says leaving the kitchen cause she knew Klaire was going to speak with Ricardo,

Klaire asked a maid to show her to where Ricardo's room was, certain things she was still getting used to.


"entrez" His deep voice replied. Klaire opened the door coming inside closing the door, she was about to start talking but gasped, Ricardo stood by the bathroom door, his towel wrapped dangerously low, flexing his muscles, Klaire found herself checking him out when he smirked,

"Like what you see Amour?" he questioned, within split second Klaire covered her eyes turning around,

"why would you tell me to come in if you're naked" she scolded, her hands not leaving her eyes, he chuckled, his hot breath brushing against her shoulder, drops of water falling onto her face as he towers over her,

"I've covered the necessary part, but if you're not pleased I don't mind removing it as well" he said giving her a light kiss to her neck, she shivered at the tease he gave, he disappeared into the closet coming out with just some pants,

"you can look now" he says, Klaire turns around her hands glued to her eyes, she peaks through and sees him shirtless, closing them once again, "you're missing a top part"

"il y a dehors" _it's hot outside_ he complains,

"fine" she mutters removing her hands, he sat on the sofa gesturing for her to sit next to him, she hesitantly take it, sitting down, "I have thought it through" she says not wasting a second, cause once she says it, that's it. she can't back down.

"about?" he questioned with a raised brow,

"I am willing to start over. but under a few conditions" she adds the last part quickly, he groans nodding his head ready to hear it,

"I'll get to know you, but I don't want the public to see me. since You're like Italy's top bachelor, they're going to be all over me if they see me with you. I don't want them to see my face" while playing her act Klaire also must remind herself about her identity, she looks nothing like her father with the contacts and hair color but, if someone back home sees her picture they'll know immediately it's her.

"that's not a problem" he says over joyed,

"I'm not finished" she says, Ricardo raises his brow speaking too soon to himself, "I want my freedom, atleast a Saturday to hang out with my friends" the only friend who comes to mind is Amy,

who is in fact feeling deeply guilty about what she did to her best friend, knowing how much Klaire would have hated it.

"you'll get your freedom is you promise me that you won't talk or flirt with other men and no clubs or Alcohol unless you're with me" Ricardo stated with his index finger up like a warning,

His OnlyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora