Me: hmmm your right, I'm hungry for sausage

BD: …. I'll give you all the sausage you want and more 

I was replying leaving when I bumped into something hard, I looked up, it's …. that Gomez guy. 

"Uh… It's you" 

"Uh… It's you" 

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Gomez's POV

I looked down to see this kid looking at  me, do I know him? But then again he looked familiar then it jogged my memory.

Spencer's little boyfriend or roommate whatever, I didn't receive his name the last time because I was busy with Spencer. 

Ze was confusing the fuck out of me because it's like one minute he wants me to strip zir naked and the next he is confusing the shit out of me asking me what I want as if it isn't already fucking obvious enough that want zim. As well as the truth on a certain matter that neither of them disclosed. 

"It's me so what?" 

The shortie folded his lips and knit his eyebrows unhappily. "Nevermind" 

There was a long pause before I asked, "how is Spence?" 

"How should I know?" He asked rolling his eyes 

His phone beeped then he walked off, I can see that the brat has an attitude. 

Amoya's POV 

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Amoya's POV 

I was now looking at what I would describe as the person who would ruin my day.

"Corey, what do you want?" 

"I want to make a compromise, you help me and I'll give you information on your real father" Corey said smiling 

"Out of the several bullshit that comes out of your mouth this was the first thing that came up? Don't you have a life? Seriously is tearing apart the family all you can do in you free time-" 

He pushed his phone screen towards my face, surprising me. It took a while for my vision to adjust to the screen, my eyes widened from shock.

"What is this?!" 

He smiled at me, "this is a DNA of both you and dad, as you can there is 0 match. And if you feel that I'm lying you can do a DNA test yourself but the results would be the same." 

I pushed down the phone and glared at him, "and what would you benefit from telling me this" 

"Actually a lot if you agree with me, if I somehow manage to make some amends with you I don't need to worry about Aaron" Corey said 

"You must have been fucked in your head to think I'm going to side against Aaron and go with you" 

"No, no you're mistaken believe it or not I don't have anything against Aaron….. well except his ex man that is. But, but. I did it so I could get him out the house" 

My eyebrows furrowed and my eyes narrowed glaring at him, "do you need to go to the toilet because all I see coming out of your mouth is shit. Why the fuck would you want-" 

"Listen! Aaron and I will never be on the same side I know it's a fucked up move, I don't really care. Right now I need to get you to cooperate because I need to get things done before the end of the year so I don't end up suffering" 

"Then suffer" I was about to turn away but then he grabbed my hand.

"Listen, you can hate me in all this. I can promise you that Aaron won't be damaged or harmed. I just need you to cooperate" 

I drag my hand away, "you don't get it, he already been harmed by you and I can find the information I need to know off my own-" 

"You won't, if juhan couldn't do it. What makes you think you can?" he smiled at me spitefully, "think about it moya, your 27 your parents married for 22 years. You have your mother's last name Put 2 and 2 together" 

I stared at him he had his two index fingers together, this fucking snake.

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