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I jolt awake at the sound of my neighbors yelling. The couple next door is screaming at each other, and soon their baby is screaming too. I guess they must have heard the news last night.

It would be hard having a baby, especially so close to winter. They get sick a lot easier after all and often even need medicine. I guess medicine is gonna become even harder to come by now. The new wage has come in.

I pull myself up and head over to the sink to wash my face. I'm pale and already a bit thin. I used to buy some fruit and the odd bits of meat in the past, but I guess that won't be possible now.

I look at my counter and frown, seeing just the loaf of bread. I do have a refrigerator, but it's long since I stopped working. Even if it was this part of town doesn't get electricity.

I rub my head as a headache starts to form. I can't tell if it's from the volume of the neighbors, lack of sleep, or just stress. I pour myself a glass of water and then splash my face.

I grab a cloth and run it under the tap. Even if I am a Flita, I do like to keep clean as best I can. I tense at the coldness of the cloth but move it and clean my skin regardless. I can't risk getting sick.

Once finished, I look to the bread with desire but shake my head. I can't just eat when I want now, I have to keep this roof over my head.

I'm almost knocked off my feet the moment I step outside. It's freezing even with the sun beginning to rise. I quickly head back in and grab my only coat. I don't like taking it to work as the last one got thrown out for having holes.

I practicly run as I head out to work. My stomach growls, and I decide to buy some more food on the way home. I can't buy much but surely I'll have some money left over for food.

I see a figure in the distance and groan, realizing if I talk, I'm going to be late.

"Hi Valor! You doing okay?" He calls out, but I just ignore him.

I know it's rude, especially with him being a Franus, but Draino is usually pretty understanding.

He frowns seeing me keep walking but I really can't be late. I need to at least keep this job. Maybe if I'm lucky, I can keep a higher wage?

"Sorry in a hurry!" I call back as I pass him.

"Oh, okay..." He says quietly, continuing on his way.

I turn around past a bend in the road and up to a gate. There are guards, which is unusual, but I approach quickly.

"Flita, stop and state your reason for passing!" They call out blocking my path with their battons.


"I work in the commercial district in one of the bakeries," I say, trying to keep my voice calm.

They look at me skeptically but lower their batons after a moment. They look to each other as I go to move past.

"Tomorrow, make sure you have a Franus contact that can be responsible for you if you get into trouble." He scowls, pushing me through the barrier as I look back shocked.

I keep going begging that delay didn't make me late. I've never seen security like that, and honestly, it makes me scared. Why do I need a Franus contact? What does he mean by trouble?

I always feel strange and like I don't belong as I walk through the streets of the Franus districts. Everything's so pristine and pretty. Money actually gets spend maintaining the land and buildings.

They even have money for sculptures and other art. I don't understand why they don't want to pay us as much anymore. They have lots of money.

I tilt my head down, so I'm looking at the ground as a group of Franus walk past. They have looks of disgust on their faces, the women looking like they want to reach out and grab me in their gloved hands.

"What's this, a Flita?" A woman says, blocking my path by standing in front of me.

The others move around me, and I feel nervous as they cut off all paths away. I don't know what they want. They usually just ignore me.

"Looks like it, what a gross little vermin!" Another guy says from behind.

Yet another laughs, and I let out a cry as a foot knocked my legs out from under me. They stand over me now as I curl up in a tight ball. I'm definitely going to be late.

"Hmm, I've heard the laws are going to be changing soon. If it comes back again, one of us should snatch it up." I shiver as a woman laughs and pushes against my chest with her heel.

I try my best to stay silent as the foot presses down, hoping they'll get bored and move on. I sigh with relief as the foot moves away and the group walks off.

My chest hurts, but I get up and move as fast as I can to my workplace. I feel scared as I see I'm very late for the start of my shift.

"Hey you! Get over here, Flita!" I hear the boss call out.

I never have learned his name. None of the humans here seem to know either. I rush over and nearly trip and fall, seeing the rage on his face.

"You know I could sack you right, I should." I nod, hoping to placate him, knowing if I don't fight, he'll eventually calm down.

"Anyway, I'm docking your pay down to the new Flita minimum. You humans are useless." He scowls, walking away, leaving me with a tear falling down my face.

I head over to my station and practically drool over the delicious baked goods I'm wrapping up. These high-quality goods will be going to Franus households. I've never even tried most of these, nor would I dare to.

After sanitizing my hands, I grab a pile of various size wrapping paper and head over to a conveyer belt. As the breads go past, I place them on the paper that matches the size and place them on the next belt.

I have to be fast, and the heat of the ovens and the hot bread makes me feel like I'm burning up. It goes on for hours until my shift is finished and my body is sore and tired. I always want to just sit down, but I would be fired on the spot.

Written 23 Sept 2022

Published 04 Feb 2023

Edited 01 Jan 2024

1133 words

A rough life for a human pet Where stories live. Discover now